Reviews for Poison and Wine
louanne61 chapter 7 . 9/15
I love the story line, but there are so many inconsistencies. First its Mr. Cullen now in this chapter you say Mr. Masen.

Regardless if Jakes her dad. Why would she have him in her home. He will use this accident to get visiting rights.
louanne61 chapter 2 . 9/15
Was it a mistake you said Tanya came out of a bedroom instead of Kate or was Tanya at the party?
JojoJinx chapter 10 . 7/11
Ha, that cracked me up. .." went back to my place to eat some celery."
rachel625 chapter 26 . 7/6
I loved it so much! Thanks for sharing!
cullenlover88 chapter 26 . 7/5
wonderful story
ChristyWIX chapter 25 . 6/24
Oh, it is over. LOl. Okay, well thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
ChristyWIX chapter 24 . 6/24
Wonderful time jump. I like that they are all now married. Loved that bell and Edward had a backyard wedding. Rose and Emmett eloping makes sense for those two. Although, if Emmett’s grandma is still alive, she was probably hurt to not see that. And, They had a baby! That’s sweet. Perhaps if Alice gets pregnant on her honeymoon, the three little next generation will be besties as well. Bella and Edward’s will only be about almost a year behind Rose and Emmett’s. If Alice gets pregnant she’ll be around two to three months behind Bella. Loved that Edward was allowed to be Ava's guardian. Goodness knows if something happened, Jake would be a dick and keep Edward away from Ava, until Bella got better. Or worse, if Bella passed and Jake wrenched Ava away from Edward, Charlie and Renèe. Very happy they got him to agree to that. Loved the dance Ava and Edward shared. Very sweet. So happy that Jasper is happy again. That was quite the traumatic event he went through. Alice healed him and his heart.
ChristyWIX chapter 23 . 6/24
I should really hope so, Charlie trusting Edward. He’s been helping Charlie all through his recovery once home from the hospital. He’s the one that watched Ava when her mother and grandmother forgot she existed while he was in the hospital. Bella being surprised by this show how much she doesn’t pay attention to others. Charlie has approved of Edward since about a month into him being around. Charlie really approved of Edward when he went to stick up for Bella to Jake at the motel, when nobody else would. Nearly getting himself killed in the process. Poor Charlie and Renèe. Their daughter and granddaughter will no longer be right there anymore. It was inevitable but, parents still get sad when their 'babies' leave from home.
ChristyWIX chapter 22 . 6/24
Wow, Bella could not have been a worse mom in this chapter if she tried. Not to mention selfish. Ava should be her number one priority. She should spend an hour or two tops at the hospital with her dad but, not all day long every day. Shame on Renèe for allowing it. Yes, her mom needs her right now but, not for that many hours. Charlie is awake and talking, so they know he’s going to be okay. If he were in a coma, that may be different. Nope, he’s awake. He shouldn’t even be in the ICU any longer if he’s awake and recovering. He would've been moved to a regular room. Bella not explaining what is going on to an eight year old is disturbing. Eight years olds are not babies. They don’t need to be coddled like toddlers. She is a tween and understands far more than her mom gives her credit for. Bella failed as mom here in a giant way.
ChristyWIX chapter 21 . 6/24
That started off as a wonderful day for Edward. The three injured officers was very sad. It was good that one of them wasn’t in critical condition. The other two though, not good at att. Especially Harry. Poor Sue. I hope, for everyone's sake they all pull through. Just a snippet of Bella speaking to Esme had me thinking, perhaps Bella could do party planning as a living. She could switch majors with her online classes and get certified for that. Just a random thought.
ChristyWIX chapter 20 . 6/24
I’m so glad Edward was the voice of reason there. He said he’d like to marry one day but, it was too soon. And, instead of letting Bella get upset, he got her understanding why. I’m so glad they talked through that and that they’ll marry eventually. It is too early. However, even though when you know, you know is true, it doesn’t mean you have to marry the minute you figure that out. My husband and I knew by our third date in as many days but, we waited three years to marry. They’ll get there. Bella's snark about 'bring your teacher diabetes day', literally made me laugh out loud. That was quite funny. I like that Rose and Emmett met. Love that it did not work the way Emmett wanted. Seems he’ll have to work for it for a change.
ChristyWIX chapter 19 . 6/24
I don’t think hat would ever happen in real life. Especially to be taken to the place where both of the people he assaulted would be there. Where the hell was Alice with Jasper's wisdom hiding all this time? Bella needed to hear that when hit beat her up, long before he assaulted Edward. At least it finally clicked in her brain and she got the custody legally taken care of. Not sure how they will tell Ava but, the direct adult version is probably the best way. Kids are young but, they are not dumb. Telling her what they did when it was only going to be a few months and they could still have contact is one thing. She’s eight now, she will understand completely. It is better for her to know the truth than to be blindsided later on and hate Bella for not telling the truth. Random chapter ending statement from Bella.
ChristyWIX chapter 18 . 6/24
Stubborn is a very horrible trait to have in a person. Nothing like a wake up call to make you see things clearly. When Charlie came into the classroom and told Edward the news, the first thing I thought was, thank goodness she wasn’t driving with Ava in her car at the time. She really could have hurt herself or, someone else.
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 6/24
I wondered when Ava would ask after Jake. She’s so little and wouldn’t understand. Bella explained it in a way that makes the best sense to her. That was great advice Rosalie gave. Was glad to read she’s got an attorney to start proceeding with fixing it all legally with Jake. The letter writing can be good for now. I hope he learns with the six months in jail. I hope they mandate anger management too. If he’s going to be around, and Bella seems to be hell bent on that happening, then he has to be supervised and those courses taken. I don’t see him changing and hats not good for anyone.
ChristyWIX chapter 16 . 6/24
I really liked how Ava didn’t care that her mommy and her teacher were boyfriend and girlfriend. She was cute. She even asked if she should call him Edward or stick with Mr. Masen. That was cute as well. I didn’t expect them to have sex, so that was surprising. Only because the date started with Ava involved. Didn’t think Bella would drop her off and go to Edward’s house. Funny that when they got there they saw Jasper’s car and wondered. Even better when Edward caught him in the elevator. I love that he and Alice didn’t have sex, they just talked forever. He even stayed on her couch and not her bed. That was sweet. Bella and Edward had some great chemistry. I can see where they’ll want sleepovers soon. Good thing Edward’s got the extra bedroom.
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