Reviews for I Love you Very Much
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 28 . 9/18/2017
Yandere Spain is awesome he ain't letting anyone what is his! MUWAHAHAHA!
RedingWings chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
SO I READ ALREADY (actually, an hour ago but I didn't have time to review) AND MAAAAN, HOW COULD YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THAT!
Though I understand, I am in college as well. But, aaah. I'd be pleased if you just told me how does it end, at least. /cries
RedingWings chapter 28 . 5/25/2017
So I'm reading there's only one chapter left and you didn't update since 2014. I yet haven't read the last chapter but I /know/ I will die when I finish it. Yikes
AwesomeTomatoPizza chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
Spain! I hate you more than I hated Turkey. Now my decisions are clearer than a glass, Im going to ship Prumano no matter what. Please make this a PruMano fic. I can feel the struggle behind those words cause Im a Filipino too
AwesomeTomatoPizza chapter 14 . 5/7/2017
Oh gosh Im starting to have an obsession to PruMano. hahaha sorry Spain after those fics about you betraying Roma Im starting to change my pair from SpaMano to PruMano great fic though
Guest chapter 28 . 2/18/2017
But what a way to make a comeback OMG
Guest chapter 28 . 2/15/2017
OMG! Thank you for the update! I thought you already dropped this story.

I love how well described the events between belarus, iceland, and south were. Aww poor South, hasn't he suffered enough. :( I know this is a spamano fanfic but I really love South and Prussia to end up together. Spain should just apologize to the romano of his world.
carmen21 chapter 28 . 2/14/2017
Hhhaaaaa so happy you're back! Damn Spain calm down. Can't wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 28 . 2/13/2017
Well, I've managed to read all the way up to the recent chapter. I have to say... its very hard to b believable. Far fetched, overboard thinking, whatever you wish to call it. My point, the path you chosen is rather unbelievable given the characters and some historical facts.

Its an interesting story, don't get me wrong. I also adore a crazy Spain, even if I'm not so supporting of the pairs you've chosen. I read for crazy Spain and how he'll conquer Roma. I just can't really believe this would be the route taken knowing what I know of the characters and history. Sorry.

Also, you have some facts wrong regarding Roma and Vene. If you recall the first epsiode in season one of the anime, also the first chapter in the manga, Veneziano stated that he would like to meet the brother he has never met. In other words, while both boys were under Rome's protection, they grew up knowing of each other but never met. After Rome fell, the boys didn't really have much interaction, even while under Austria's rule. When Spain got Roma, there had been a few meetings but not enough for the boys to really get to know each other. They didn't really get to know each other until the unification (which you can see in the Hetalia World Stars manga) which was very awkard for the two.

Another thing, and this is a very common mistake for the fandom, Romano and Veneziano are not twins. It was revealed in canon that Romano is two years older than Veneziano. Though while they were cleaning one of Romano's rooms in the World Stars manga it was revealed that Veneziano is now taller than his brother.

And, Veneziano was actually a little demon in battle when he was younger. He is also very skilled at fencing where as Romano is skilled at being a pick pocket. (Though given that South Italy is the birth place of the mafia I'm assuming he's also skilled with a gun. Funny fact, while South Italy has the highest problem with organized crime, North Italy has the highest sexual assaults between the two.)

Romano had chorea as a child in canon. Spain seemed to have curred him by making Romano dance the tarantella.

I'm a little surprised about the marriage given that Italy doesn't allow same sex marriages, neither does Germany. And giventhis is an AU where Roma was raised by the Ottoman Empire (not Turkey at the time), it raises questions on why this is going smoothly. And I also have to wonder about the historical events, et cetra. As said, its a little hard to believe realistically. Interesting still.

Canon facts aside, and history along with one modern fact. Its still a interesting idea. Hard to believe, but amusing to see crazy Spain coming out.

P.S. You will be happy to know, as I noticed you mentioned this in a A/N first chapter I believe, that in canon Romano and Iceland had a pleasant conversation about their guardians. It was during the 2013-14 Halloween sketch. It was adorable even if it was short.
Noobz chapter 28 . 2/12/2017
OMG thank you for saving my Sanit, I have been waiting for this so much I love this chapter please continue more please please please ,
topaz3 chapter 28 . 2/12/2017
Dear God...
Guest chapter 27 . 1/7/2017
Damn, I love you Spain and shit but damn I need Roma and Prussia happy
Guest chapter 27 . 12/3/2016
Hey so I know your busy just know that we readers really do love your story and will wait patiently till the next update
WickedInk chapter 10 . 8/30/2016
Dang! XD
Noobz chapter 27 . 6/8/2016
Hi noobz here can't wait to read more about this topic of story please
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