Reviews for Order and Sacrifice
TwistingHope chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Wow, this was pretty intense. But I absolutely loved every little thing about it!
nonnie chapter 2 . 3/4/2018
wow! loved it. tysm for sharing!
sparklybutterfly42 chapter 2 . 9/20/2016
this is awesome. I seriously love the whole 'sam is dean's kid' vibe and we dont get in enough! This was really well done, mixing current and past stories. Very powerful.
I definitely had tears in my eyes during the last memory!
Lady Nara chapter 2 . 4/26/2016
I absolutely loved this fic! I really enjoyed Father of One, and I like this even better (because I love the boys' relationship so much). I especially liked the last flashback, with Natalie and Jack.

This fic is awesome, but it feels unfinished. The ending is great, but between the Natalie flashback and the argument between Dean and his Dad, there's a big time gap. I wish we could see a few more flashbacks letting us know where their relationship went from there, and how it got to the point where Same decided to leave.

So, anyway, thank you very much for sharing this great fic! If you do feel like adding more to it, I'm sure no one will be complaining...
Nope987 chapter 2 . 1/4/2016
Okay. You are flipping amazing. I absolutely loved this. 100%.
ThatLoser chapter 2 . 11/2/2015
I just read your story. Just wow.. That was so good! I genuinely love this story and I love the brother moments! I was cracking up at your "Sam is my boyfriend!" story! I was frustrated along with Dean at Natalie's brother, and I sympathized when Dean sacrificed both an epic hunting trip and a chance to prove himself (and check out awesome weapons) for Sammy. But one thing that bothered me was that none of the little anecdotes really had resolution. Well, okay, some did, but some didn't. While I understand why you wrote the stories that way, I just kind of want and ending to each story, you know? Like, for the "Sam is my boyfriend" story, what happens when Sam wakes up and hears the story? What about when the boys face John again? I think it would have been adorable to have a little humor moment with their reactions.

But the one that really bothered me was the Simmons story. The ending with Dean being the fall guy and all I get. It's adorable and heroic (in its own way) and makes sense with the story. But the fact that Dean not only had to bear the accusations against him being an abuser, but he also had to burden himself with Sam's hatred as well just sort of killed me. And I understand that at the time what he did was best, but what I would love would have been like a little one-shot or something where Sam finds out why Dean ostracized him from the seemingly lovely Simmons family.
But all in all your story is amazing, I admire your writing skills and I appreciate the formatting of your story. The whole overview of drunk John complaining leading up to Dean losing it is poetically beautiful. Now excuse me while I go stalk the rest of your stories, carry on my wayward son!
SuomiTytt chapter 2 . 10/5/2015
I just wanna smash the Fav button :D I mean, this is REALLY good. I loved it! Well done!
snowdragon23 chapter 2 . 9/29/2015
ThysaNoir chapter 2 . 8/28/2015
just finished. lol. lame me.

but this is super duper great. thank you for writing a beautiful story.

I really likes how you made every single problem unique but somehow believable. it's different but carry on the same theme. that's an awesome trait. you did an awesome job there.
For my part, i really love the Marta one. heck, that was one hellish angst right there. im on a waterfall when Dean been accused something that wicked, i mean i even want to find this marta and choked her mouth with dirt then slaps her hard, "you knows nothing so shut up!" lol. sorry.

anw, a little advice. maybe a useless one, but it will be nice if you divide the flashback into chapters. i think ppl will more attracted to bundles of oneshot chapters than a reallyreally long one (not that im implying that's a bad idea). but nonetheless, this is great.

good job :)
ThysaNoir chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
just read. and didnt finished yet.

such a long oneshot (or two. or twoparted oneshot). anw, this is great. so well written. need more love. why ppl no read this? :(

*continue reading*
RobotRollCall chapter 2 . 4/21/2015
This was a really sweet story. I loved the flashbacks to childhood and all the ways Dean took care of Sam. I also really liked that you ended it with him going to visit Sam, instead of drinking and angsting. And though I in no way whatsoever ship Sam and Dean together, my favorite part was probably where Dean pretended to be his boyfriend to get in to the hospital. I laughed out loud imagining the look on John's face. And it shows just how much Dean is willing to put up with for his little brother.
BettaPen chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
Honestly, I have to say that my favorite moment is when Dean finally stands up to his dad about Sammy and that Sam was HIS kid. Not John's, like he liked to think he was because in all reality he wasn't one bit. Dean overtook that role and he did it beautifully despite all the sacrifices he made to make sure Sammy was capable of having normal. And that's bittersweet. Plus I think your two-shot fic delivered that perfectly. :)

So that's MY favorite flashback out of everything in this wonderful fic. Also I liked when Dean had to pretend he was Sam's 'boyfriend' just so he could see him! XD I that was hilarious and I bet John's expression was quite funny too. :P
Sousukes-Girl chapter 2 . 9/4/2014
I loved it! I have said for ages now that the reason Dean is so terrified of losing Sam; why he sold his soul, why he tricked him into accepting Gadreel, was because he was both father and brother to his Sammy. He was the one to give up everything for Sam.

I loved your exploration of this topic, and it was very well written with only minor typo errors. Fantastic job! I have to go see what else you have written!

grea8read chapter 2 . 8/21/2014
This was very good. I liked the Dean/John moments best and the ending was perfect.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/17/2014
I loved this! Favorite flashback: the mother thinking dean was abusive. I kind of wanted Dean's cocky asshole facade to shatter in front of everyone somehow but I liked your anecdote's ending as well!
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