Reviews for Demon and the Fox
Cafrye chapter 17 . 4/15/2019
WHAT!? NO! NO NO NO! What about Naruto. WHo is in Sasuke's real body!? What is going on!
Cafrye chapter 8 . 4/11/2019
This world you are building is amazing. Truly it is. And all the characters are so beautiful developed. Just wow.
Cafrye chapter 2 . 4/11/2019
Sasuke, dude! He's underage and you kissed him! LOL This is really interesting.
Breeze chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
So wheres the sequel at? It was very good and I want to find out what happens.
aroyal22 chapter 17 . 5/9/2017
i need to know what happen!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/11/2017
This is really good. Did you do the sequel?
yume76 chapter 17 . 9/25/2016
The story was quite interesting. Though if you're not going to post the sequel here, I'd probably never know the ending. I don't get access to many websites. Most probably the site you will post into will be inaccessible to me. Any way good luck.
yume76 chapter 14 . 9/23/2016
"I'm sorry. About everything. You're not who I thought you were, Reed." Who the heck is Reed? Wasn't it supposed to be Naruto?
Bluxpudding chapter 17 . 12/25/2015
Holy shit. This story makes me want to accumulate lots of money and buy the film rights to it. I'm kinda into filmmaking and framing and I keep thinking how cool the ending scene for this would look.
I'm glad it was a fiction story cuz i definitely thought when I was reading this that it definitely would've worked well like that. Super glad that there is also a volume ii. Was worried for a sec that it was just going to end with sasukes body being possessed.
trickortrick chapter 17 . 8/15/2015
Whatheffffff... Fuck it. This ending is kinda like insidious you know and this kinda pissed me off a little but whatever. You'll be coming with the sequel and i just hope you don't drag it out anymore cause damn it i really hope sasuke will be out of his misery. but why the hell does he get thrown off into the purgatory?! Is it good?! Bad?! Sigh... Guess I'll just have to catch you up on your sequel huhh. Well please pretty please keep up your awesome job at writing this kinda story. You just entertain my saturday. I'll be waiting for more! *thumbs up and round of applause to you*
TiarAstrid chapter 2 . 4/3/2015
now it start to make sense than chapter 1
happy that i choose to stick around and not click the back button yet, and leave u some replyyy yeayyyy
jj chapter 17 . 3/19/2015
i am not reading your stupid sequel that ending is mean i want a happy one after all that crap and there are way to many plot holes so there
Viv310 chapter 17 . 1/20/2015
To be honest I don't really like this story. I am upset with the way some of the characters came out. I know this is a fanfiction but Naruto was too weak for my taste in this story and I feel like he didn't grow that much throughout the story. He was always getting into situations and having to have Sasuke rescue him. This frustrated me a lot. So maybe there will be more character growth for him in the sequel but based off this one story I didn't like it very much.
Guest chapter 17 . 12/6/2014
hi. your works are really cool. can't wait for the sequel. I really wish u would continue that other story though "whispers in the dark" its really cool n its not fair to just stop like that. pls pls pls, update the story. I've been waiting for it since last year. keep up the good work.
MamaLegba chapter 17 . 11/29/2014
Oh my... Wow. how does the story not have way more views? This was absolutely amazing I am like dying on the inside please continue I can't wait to read the sequel you are an amazing writer!
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