Reviews for 2 Sides to Every Tale III
Apella chapter 4 . 4/19
I loved it! I'm looking forward to reading more.
ImagineDaydreams chapter 3 . 4/4
i loved this chapter so much! camilla’s interactions with gwaine were genuinely so great and honestly i’m already looking forward to what’ll undoubtedly be an absolutely iconic friendship lmao. also i swear i’m just as stressed as camilla about uther tryna marry her off when she and merlin are finally getting their shit together like bruh. ahh, i’m just so excited to have you updating this story again like you have no idea :’))) can’t wait for the next chapter xx
Apella chapter 3 . 4/3
I wonder if Merlin will get jealous of Gwaine.
Apella chapter 2 . 3/29
I'm glad you're back! I loved this chapter.
Silver chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
I love the world that you've created with Camilla. But four years is a very long time to go without updating. I hope you find your muse very soon and complete the series.
yoitsyourstruly chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Is this the last of it? Awh man! I was looking forward to see how Merlin and Camilla's relationship worked out! I feel so abandoned XD Oh well, if you don't return to finish writing I'll survive and be happy that I at least had the wonderful opportunity to read this story. I do hope you return though...
hpuni101 chapter 1 . 11/20/2014
Brilliant series. So refreshing. You're a very talented writer. I hope you continue, I'd love to read the rest. Please don't give up on your story. Happy writing.
Anne chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
please for the love of camelot update!
Apella chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
I love it!