Reviews for Daughters of the Night
Guest chapter 12 . 5/4
thanks for updating really love this story
Guest chapter 12 . 4/25
“You don't trust me” “Not even a little” ouch
Guest chapter 12 . 4/22
This story intrigues and confuses me at the same time lol I love it. We're finally finding out more.
Kbee chapter 12 . 4/22
This story is so intriguing and well written. Can’t wait for more
Guest chapter 11 . 12/14/2019
Missing this story! Hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 11 . 12/1/2019
So good! Can’t wAit to read more! :)
Guest chapter 11 . 11/21/2019
Awesome chapter with Spencer’s point of view. She is a very interesting character for sure. Can’t wait to read more!
Savannah chapter 11 . 11/19/2019
It was so cool getting to see Spencer’s point of view and especially the flashbacks. I love the thought of Spencer taking care of baby Alison. I’m still wondering when exactly Jason and Spencer stopped getting along and caused all of that. Great chapter and I love how Spencer AND Ali were both rolling their eyes at Jenna...hilarious hahaha :)
Momma Duck chapter 11 . 11/19/2019
Here's that review you told me not to worry about. HA, I did it anyway lol.

No, seriously, I enjoyed this chapter. Good length, great world-building, amazing characters. Spencer's just so damn self-critical and that's so true to her character in canon. It translates really well to this universe. Alison insisting that she had no backbone honestly made me sad, though :( Spencer's backbone is perfectly fine thankyouverymuch. It just, like, needs regular maintenance because isn't it being slowly fucking crushed by all that pressure on her shoulders or smth? All they gotta do is give Spencer an Ambien, a back brace and a warm hug ffs.

And cake. Because everybody needs cake. I want cake. This chapter made me hungry for cake. Thanks, I'm gonna have to go to Walmart now.

But I still don't exactly trust Spencer either. Hmm. I don't know. Oh, and I especially love Jason and Spencer teeming up to be mean to Melissa. Seems legit. And MAYA OMG. I cackled so hard at her being dramatic just to freak Jenna out. Peak pettiness. And then she noped the fuck out when she got even the slightest whiff of black magic. Which, that's probably smart.

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter :D
Guest chapter 11 . 11/16/2019
Great update xx
Guest chapter 10 . 11/13/2019
Can’t wait for part 2 !3
Guest chapter 10 . 11/8/2019
Everything you write is simply amazing
Momma Duck chapter 10 . 11/6/2019
Just binge-read this whole thing and HOLY SHIT. I LOVE IT. The PLL fandom is absolutely dying, but I'm one of the few poor souls still unhealthily attached to it and well-written fanfics like this give me life. I'm not very familiar with Buffy besides what I've gleaned about it in passing over the years, but I know enough that I'm not confused. You did a great job at world-building, too, so that helps a ton.

And these characters, goddammit! You've somehow made me love them even more. Hanna's inner dialogue is cracking me up, as it should since it's Hanna. And I don't choose favorites, but Spencer's my FAVORITE. I can't tell if I'm biased or not, but her story is what's intriguing me most here. Her fight with Melissa felt so honest to her character. Like, Melissa's a shady super bitch, but Spencer still cares about her and inexplicably trusts her when she probably shouldn't and that's how that dynamic has always worked and AHHH!

Also, side note and definite TMI: The last thing Spencer did in this chapter was throw the fuck up and I literally puked right after reading those words. Kinda ironic, even though I can't actually decide right now if that's irony or not lol. And I'm not a sympathetic vomiter or anything, I'm just currently in the middle of a GERD flare up. Shit sucks, but this story helped distract me from it for a good chunk of time, so bonus points for that. Seriously, thank you for launching your words into the void for random strangers to read. It always has the potential to help at least one person somehow, and apparently today that person was the sick, sorry sap that is me haha.

Keep going :)
Guest chapter 10 . 11/6/2019
This story is amazing! Great job
Savannah chapter 10 . 11/5/2019
Wow I’m so glad you updated! :) That was such a suspenseful chapter, I was nervous for everyone the entire time! I sort of loved Spencer saving Toby in a way by keeping him away from Melissa. And Hanna experiencing her memories makes her understand Spencer a little bit better. Man everyone is banged up now lol. Awesome chapter!
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