Reviews for Ah, Paternity!
mismantle chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
I'll take this as a birthday present I didn't notice just about 'til the next birthday from someone I don't know. So, thank you, author I don't know!

But I digress. I must say I don't come across many parental fics —I mean, I do come across fics with a 'parental' plot but it's generally about how much the main character hates said parent or how bad said parent is— so reading this was a breath of fresh air. A breath of entertaining, fresh air.

I hope to read more of your stories —if you still write, that is.

black neko hime chapter 1 . 7/5/2014
Well, I'll admit it: I hope it was Amu. I hope it was Amu every time... "the fourth," he said. Well she had 4 charas, so I can make it work in my head. Especially with the blushing, bad lying, and mention of something to do with cooking...

Thank you for writing this! I found it amusing and my mood is a lot better now :)