Reviews for The Snow Queen's Knight
Nick chapter 4 . 12/2/2019
I love this fic! I’m a new Icebreaker fan, and I love the potential of your story!
Mr. Spinner chapter 4 . 11/19/2018
First things first: I found this fic about two years ago and I absolutely love it!
I respect worldbuilding perhaps more than anything in writing, particularly fanfiction, and you have wrought such an amazing work of art with this. Your tweaks to the WIR storyline to incorporate it into Frozen's universe were masterful to say the least. (Frankly, yes, I would like to see an expansion of that tale!)
You hit the character's personalities right on the mark, too. Little things, like Calhoun waiting out the throne room drama, Ralph's gentleness, Vanellope's appropriately adorable childish mischief, and most of all Elsa's near-disturbingly realistic struggle with anxiety were a joy to read.
I have read this story over and over again in recent weeks as inspiration for a few planned Frozen/WIR fics of my own. My one regret is that I didn't think up the details of Ralph's backstory for myself, because I would really like to use those. (Mercenary, stolen gold, uprising, horse racing, etc.)
I sincerely hope you continue this work, because it would be a crying shame to let something so impressive wither away.
With sincerest applause, Mr. Spinner.
May your Muse never waver!
Anon chapter 4 . 11/29/2016
This fic is great! It's sad to see you haven't updated in over a year :(I LOVE the dynamic between all the characters, everything fits perfectly! I wonder if the rating might go up in the future..?

I'm LOVING this fic, and I'm sad to see it's been kinda abandoned just as things started to get rolling :P
BlackRoseFire chapter 4 . 2/26/2016
Interesting story, I can't wait to see what happens next.
TDICELEBRITY14 chapter 4 . 2/21/2016
I really like this so far. Nice job.
vivian777 chapter 4 . 9/28/2015
Awesome story. i am so ready to read more and I am so sorry that u lost ur love to a stupid bullshit arrange marriage. But there r other people other who will love. take my advice even though im a 23 year old woman
Daydreams.and.Butterflys chapter 2 . 9/27/2015
A conjecture is the examination of whether or not did something happen in rhetoric writing. I believe you mean interjections. Other than that, this is an intriguing story.
CodeTalker69 chapter 4 . 9/26/2015
Oh no, I think I know who this "friend" is.
magister.kekko chapter 4 . 9/26/2015
Ooh yeah! New chapter! This is one of the very first stories I 've read on this site and I always loved it. Love Elsa/Ralph pair, they're great together. I can't stop smiling every time I read this story. And this chapter is do funny too. I see things aren't going to go smoothly, especially with Hans and the mysterious figure (though I have suspicion of who that is) involved. I also wonder if Elsa has something in mind, given her last statement. .. maybe she will really freeze the ballroom floor for the party? Oh, I can't wait already! Good work anyway!
PerrythePlatypusGirl chapter 4 . 9/25/2015
Heeeyy, I don't mind waiting for a long time, I'm just glad to see this story is back!

This chapter was adorable, I'm just loving the Icebreaker fluff, and I love how spot-on Vanellope's character is written here. Also, bringing back Hans, that always makes me happy! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Ella Raspberry chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
And so if you could get to writing I will love you forever.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/15/2015
Omg I can't wait to read what happens next. Please continue, I love this story so much, it's so sweet and well thought out and so very creative I absolutly love it. I smiled the whole time I read this because I love Elsa and Ralph together and how the story blends together just so awesome!
mdizzle chapter 2 . 1/10/2015
Awww. it's so fluffy I love it!
Modify the Lifestream chapter 3 . 12/19/2014
cute, looking forward to more.
nekonohime chapter 3 . 10/16/2014
Finally caught up with Chapter 2 and 3!

This story's lore is so fascinating, and you did a great job blending elements from the Wreck-It Ralph universe into Frozen's. All of the characters fit in very well and there really isn't anything to me that strikes me as out of place here. The character's interactions are also very well done. I especially like Vanellope and Olaf's shenanigans and, of course, Ralph and Elsa's developing relationship. They seem to have hit it off pretty nicely as of now, and I found it rather adorable that Elsa's frozen heart is being melted by Ralph, pun intended.

Overall, this is a really enjoyable story so far! Keep up the good work! :)
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