Reviews for Dragon's Song (previously titled Dragonfire)
public static void chapter 10 . 7/6/2016
For a moment, I thought you had married Maegara already D:
But let's start from the beginning! Robert Stark's friendship with Daemon was unexpected, to say the least, but a great idea that might prove its advantages as southern conflicts arise. It was great to se that the Wall is mighty and well known again, and that thieves and rapers are not those who protect the realms of men. I would have loved to see more of the Wall and the actual conflict with the wildings. At first I thought the war with the Others did not happen in the past, but then I read again and understood, so I got curious as to why are wildlings attacking now? Why did they stay north of the Wall after the last battle?
Also, let's talk about Lilac. I loved her inclusion because of many things, to begin with, to show that whores are whores and as much as Daemon came to like her he understood that a highborn marriage for her was out of the question. Also, the fact of her discovering Daemon/Maegara was great, and it fits with Daemon thinking about dreaming of her. Lilac was such a bad blackmailer... But it all worked out well for everyone except for her.
I didn't understand who killed her, though. Was it Daemon? Robert? Her own uncle? I will have to read that chapter again as soon as I can.
Back in King's Landing... I assume these Baelish are descendants of Petyr and Sansa? If so then I'm not sure I trust them! But Maegara and Daemon do. I hope their friendship is real, and that Kenton and Sansarya don't betray them.
The Lannister thing is fitting. As I understood earlier chapters, the Targaryens had been marrying each other again, and favoring some Houses, so it's logical that Lannisters and Tyrells would want to become powerful again. Maegara marrying Tybalt is also logical from Rhaelon's point of view, but he should really listen to his family.
Awesome chapters! I specially enjoyed numer 9, so far, with all the lowborn trying to convey the plot to Daemon.
public static void chapter 5 . 7/6/2016
Having read the first five chapters, I congratulate you again with your abilities with OCs and descriptions. Everything seems natural and has a certain flow that binds characters, settings, and plots together nicely.
That said, I'm loving Daemon. He is quite like Young Griff on the series, but with his own personality shining through the name Targaryen. Maybe he's too careless about the Kingdom and tends to offend easily through words, actions, and inactions, which gives him even more of a personality. He is a well rounded character. The only thing I don't like about him is that he thinks his father a coward, but again, that's part of the plot and the fact that I can *feel* his thoughts says much about your writing style and abilities.
Maegara is a conflicting character, sharing qualities with Daenerys but also being more ruthless than our young Dragon Queen. Maybe that's because Maegara grew up being a Princess and Dany didn't. Her easiness with politic stuff balances nicely with Daemon's own carelessness about it, and her fairness as she passes judgement is only thrown out of balance because of the pride in her house. I don't know yet what will follow for her storyline, but I'm sensing her pride will be her downfall.
I'd love to hear more of their mother, Alysanne, because for what I've read I think she's somewhat spoiled but good. It's a nice touch that the King, Queen, and Small Council know the siblings are bedmates, because it saves the family a drama and it fits with the philosophy of the Targaryens. Your story is so amazing that I want to know what happened between Dany's Conquest and this fic.
I'm enjoying everything greatly, and your plot is interesting. The only thing that bothered me is that the Lannisters look somewhat dumb, and not in a Mace Tyrell kind of way, but in a 'is that how you portray a whole house?'. They kind of remind me of the actual Freys, but dumber. For all their plotting, I don't think Therion would allow Tybalt to act like he did, unless they would want to initiate rumors about Maegara? I think I'll just have to keep reading!
Again, amazing story! I'll be delighted to know more.
L'etranger0 chapter 33 . 1/18/2016
Pas mal
mpowers045 chapter 33 . 1/16/2016
Why seven!? Why!?
RosieHana chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
Just wanted to say that regardless of what some Guest reviewers say this story is amazing and personally I really love what you have done with the different characters. They are all well thought out and develop well as the story goes on. Thank you for writing this, it is currently one of my favourite stories on this site!
Guest chapter 31 . 1/5/2016
lame. probably going to stop reading this story. I don't like what you did to daemon
Guest chapter 31 . 1/5/2016
Danm shit is about to go down great job mate
mpowers045 chapter 31 . 1/5/2016
To think they fucked each other
RosieHana chapter 31 . 1/5/2016
I am really enjoying this story and the chapters you posted today are some of the best. I love where you are going with this story. Poor Marga really is in trouble now especially because she's pregnant. Thank you so much for this story and I hope you continue it!
Guest chapter 29 . 12/30/2015
Love where the story is heading mate great job keep it going
Guest chapter 27 . 12/25/2015
hopefully daemon gets better
mpowers045 chapter 27 . 12/25/2015
Will he or will he not?
Guest chapter 26 . 12/23/2015
so basically giving the throne to the lannisters. yeah the realm is going to love that. Anyway I really hope you have daemon get better.
Guest chapter 25 . 12/21/2015
Am i the only one who is rooting for jason
mpowers045 chapter 26 . 12/22/2015
Will she or will she not?
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