Reviews for even a flightless bird has its uses
tacomayor chapter 9 . 5/9
3 days since i read this and still can't stop thinking about it, if you can't finish this amazing story could you, i don't know, find someone who can? Like tell them your main ideas and just pass it on? It's honestly so good! ;-;
tacomayor chapter 10 . 5/6
Oh no you didn't just leave this story unfinished and on a freaking cliffhanger! Pleaaaase revisit this amazing story omgggg
sweetdeerslovecandy chapter 10 . 4/27
This is a really good chapter and sad that this is discontinued I would’ve loved to see where this was going. But nonetheless it’s an amazing story and the writing is great! I would wish to see another chapter but a chapter 6 years later, you could have lost where you were going anyways! I hope you are doing well
Guest chapter 10 . 3/18
Oh there’s a limit to comments? I can’t believe that. I only left 2 comments on this chapter on my account. Hmp. Anyway. Please author come back? *sigh* i know i know, I’m begging too much. But it’s so good I’m desperate. I’ll beg everyday if i have to lol anyway i know you ain’t comin back anymore *sighs some more* but I love your work. Just brilliant story telling. Unique and very interesting. I’ve repeatedly said that but it’s true. I’ll love this story forever *cry*
ea6x2 chapter 10 . 3/12
I still miss this good god please this story is so beautiful. I cry
Duskfern chapter 10 . 3/11
Hey, um, I know it's been a few years but are you going to continue this? You kinda left us on a cliffhanger, bud ;;
ea6x2 chapter 10 . 2/29
Still in love with this fic
Guest chapter 10 . 1/26
Well as expected, you didn’t disappoint. Just like i commented in your other fic. But good God author, this is brilliant work. And I don’t just say brilliant every time I’m in awe of something, in fact I rarely use that word. But it’s the only word of high praise i can think of that would perfectly describe what i think this is. I just love it. I want to cry knowing that it’s unfinished. Well i knew i was in for another heartbreak. ️

So well written, interesting, funny, raw, with heartbreaking circumstances but lighthearted at times too. It gets you at the edge of your seat, keeps you wanting more. You just fall in love with it. You want to know the story in whole. You want to know what the author is going to come up with. Ah but there is nothing more. Hmm maybe i like pain. Knowing this story would hurt but i still read it willingly and i enjoyed it nonetheless.

It’s beautiful. With a mind like yours i wonder how many people have you shared your stories with and how glad they are for hearing/reading it.

Ah, but once again all i could do is thank you for sharing your work to us. Whatever the reason you lost interest in the fandom or in writing this, i hope that’s not the case for you now, i hope you enjoy whatever you are doing and give your best. It may be hard sometimes but we’ll get by.

I feel like anna right now. Wanting to be heard how much I’m thankful for this story and how i want to know more yet it feels like talking to a brick wall(elsa). Literally. Cause no way you’d ever see this anyway. But oh well. I still wanted to say thanks.

P.s forgive my English since it isn’t my first language.
Emmpower chapter 10 . 12/11/2019
The cliffhanger is strong with this one :P
Hej chapter 10 . 11/25/2019
Hej chapter 8 . 11/25/2019
Is it raining in here? No, i'm not crying ;_;
Hej chapter 5 . 11/25/2019
Thanks to Frozen II, I have a clear image of what Elsa's magical horse looks like. Your writing is fuckin brilliant btw.
blackrider11 chapter 10 . 11/8/2019
What? WHAT?! What is happening?! Anyway, somehow stumbled upon this and the world history that you hint at is extrodinary, I keep looking for little details of what led the world (and Elsa) to this present that you are now telling.
Spooths chapter 8 . 1/29/2019
I guess Anna doesn't know Elsa was a queen and therefore did shit tons of paperwork, huh.
Spooths chapter 2 . 1/22/2019
I wonder who originally made the collar. Potentially the trolls? Maybe the original Anna had it made after Elsa presumably went nuts.
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