Reviews for Almost Goddess
FaeGhostReader chapter 29 . 6/20
I hope you continue this.
April chapter 29 . 7/22/2019
I LOVE UR STORY! R Nico and Rina gonna get together?
JustAnotherStarkFan chapter 29 . 5/16/2018
awww, come on! Next chappie! plz.. *a teasing grin appears on my face*
Tess826 chapter 29 . 7/15/2016
Why doesn't this story have more reviews? It's great! I've been wondering too about what if a God and a demigod had children (and supposing there are many demigods, but only few make it to adulthood, that could have happened)
Rina's character is wonderfully written. It's just so easy to like her. I often thought that children of Aphrodite were for nothing, but then there was Silena. Then Piper and now Rina (and I don't care that she is an OC). I also like the way you made it with Nico. After Ava's death (which was terrible) and Bianca's death these two need someone to talk to.
Immediately favorite and following!
Marie Yoshina chapter 29 . 3/27/2016
you really need to update this story! it's realllllllzzzz good and I wanna know what's gonna happen next! please update soon! R u?
OTrizy chapter 29 . 1/28/2016
One of the best PJO fanfic so far even though I am not a fan of romance in this book series...
Well just keep going! You have my full support...
sorry for not reviewing every chapter, just found out about this fic...
LorettaV chapter 29 . 12/8/2015
I'm not sure if you're continuing on this story or not, but I'll leave a review anways :)
You're fanfic is probably one of the best I've read in a while. The way the words flow and how you made Rina such a complex, but loveable character is truly amazing. You're an outstanding writer. And I hope that you continue with this story, but if you dont, it's completely understandable, it's really difficult to hold onto inspiration and ideas for a story. :)
taryn0614 chapter 29 . 12/7/2015
This chapter made me truly happy. It made my heart explode with happiness when Nico came out and said he's gay. IDK but I think it's because I myself am bisexual. It shows that even characters in a popular fandom don't have to be straight. They are their own human being. They can do whatever they please. I want to thank you and Rick Riordan for pointing that out. Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
Guest chapter 29 . 9/9/2015
The TimeKeeper's Screwdriver chapter 29 . 7/12/2015
This is amazing! Update soon!
japandroid chapter 29 . 7/8/2015
well shit
Pandakat312 chapter 29 . 7/8/2015
I seriously ship this ship :) Update soon!
Guest chapter 29 . 7/1/2015
Long time no see good to see you're still active interesting ending I will be glad to see how that plays out. I am excited to see how you handel the curse of Achilles. So have fun keep writing and do the fanfiction community proud. Also just general question will this continue into the lost hero's series if it does I would prefer if you don't add her to the prophecy of 7 because we didn't get a lot of real time updates on camp. Thanks for all your work.
K.E chapter 29 . 6/30/2015
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