Reviews for I Shall Endure Book 2: In Plain Sight
thinkdragonage chapter 74 . 10/7/2017
A poignant chapter and I can really feel Mel's fears about Alistair and the upcoming battle and how much she wants to slow down time. They had a lovely interlude here, at least. I think they needed it.
thinkdragonage chapter 73 . 9/12/2017
Oh that's a great last line that Loghain delivers! I'm so glad the Landsmeet still included a duel with Loghain. Making it with Howe was just perfect, and I'm glad Loghain could kill him in spite of all Howe's dirty tricks. It's very satisfying that Howe is at last dead, and even better that it's by Loghain's hand.

Exciting installment!
thinkdragonage chapter 72 . 9/11/2017
Oh I hope Howe hangs! This was so different from an ordinary landsmeet, but of course it had to be what with all the changes in this AU. Very satisfying seeing Eleanor and then Delilah testify-I think they were the stars of the second day for sure.

Morrigan's take on the first day was amusing. She makes some good points, in her way :)
thinkdragonage chapter 71 . 9/11/2017
Great to see Nate's clever plans in action at the Vigil. And it's great to see the good guys allying to each other prior to the Landsmeet. But I really liked the touch of having Rogier ask for a pardon and to testify against Howe. It makes sense that he'd do that... and an interesting choice for Nate to offer to hire him. Probably the wisest move, really. He's gaining a talented asset, and also able to keep an eye on him.
thinkdragonage chapter 70 . 9/10/2017
Poor Mel. Her fears about life after the Blight make sense, and of course she knows nothing of Morrigans ritual. But of course, she isn't alone as she might fear and Kai and Zev are great friends here. I could see Mel helping out with the Crows, too, if the worst should happen. (But it won't, right? I'll find out soon. To think this installment is almost over!)
thinkdragonage chapter 69 . 9/10/2017
I never quite figured out a way to reconcile the fact that Alistair didn't take lyrium, but him being the child of a mage is a nice explanation for it. (I may have to steal that!)

Glad that Reina is free and hopefully she'll join up with the Wardens. Glad as well that Liam has agreed to Morrigan's plans, and that the two will be together. The possibility of twins is intriguing! Would one get the soul or would it somehow go into both of them? Interesting idea...

(Trying to catch up on my fanfic reading, so apologies or taking so long. But I'm anxious to finish this one and move on to your next story!)
thinkdragonage chapter 68 . 7/23/2017
Sorry for the long absence from reading your work. I've had a year where I didn't do a ton of reading or writing, but I am getting back into the swing of things now.

This chapter answers so many questions about how Mel and Denis would regard each other, whether Anora and Loghain would reconcile, and what might happen after the Blight with Alistair and Mel. There was a sense of melancholy along with the dance that I appreciated-in another life indeed.
Mike3207 chapter 78 . 4/15/2017
Mel meeting Maric might be the event that saves them both.

Look forward to the sequel.
SnowHelm chapter 78 . 4/10/2017
So sad that this story has come to an end, but glad the tale will continue. My heart aches for Mel, I truly hope she can escape Thomas and before she falls pregnant, I shudder at the thought. I'm glad Ali and Zev have each other for the moment at least. Lovely reunion with Anora and her daughter, I wonder how their relationship will be in the long term. Wonderful story and looking forward to the next.
dustywalker chapter 78 . 4/10/2017
Cliffhanger, cliffhanger... enjoy the hiatus. You earned it.
dustywalker chapter 77 . 4/7/2017
... Oh, you're evil. Well done.

"Damn it Shep, you had one job."
thinkdragonage chapter 67 . 4/6/2017
Now I really can't wait for Mel to find out Denis is still alive. I wonder how that will play out? And whether he'll really join the Wardens...
thinkdragonage chapter 66 . 4/6/2017
Really satisfying reunions abound in this chapter... and a surprising twist, leaving Howe alive to answer for his crimes at the Landsmeet. But not as surprising as Mel's fiancee being alive. Yikes! Curious to see how that will play out...
thinkdragonage chapter 65 . 4/4/2017
Watching Howe's plans crumble and the noose tighten around him here is quite pleasurable! He's really earning his villain status in this chapter, isn't he?

I loved Morrigan's reaction to "let's hope the Maker hears you." Totally in character.
thinkdragonage chapter 64 . 4/3/2017
I'm curious how the Landsmeet will go now that Loghain is on to Howe! And the rest of the story I need to catch up with pronto.

I think I know now who the prisoner is, but I'll keep quiet in case I'm wrong.
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