Reviews for Code to my Heart
SuperbiJulia chapter 52 . 1/5/2018
any plans to write for the ordinal scale movie? This idea is just to amazing to let it go to waste n not exploit the movie plot xD Love ur story btw
inari of the skies chapter 52 . 3/27/2016
I greatly enjoyed reading this story. Good luck on future writings. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 18 . 1/9/2016
My heart is breaking!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/8/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
O.O Praise you. For making 52 chapters. 3 "I have just met you, and I love you."
classy-blue1223 chapter 26 . 11/19/2015
Kaname1993 chapter 7 . 9/26/2015
Ok, I like this story so far, I really really do, but the names are driving me crazy. I'm not sure if I'm just missing something or what but first her name is Fumiko and her game name is Megumi. I get that, but the guys all seem to keep switching her name, first it was Megumi, last chapter Klein called her Midori, and this chapter she got called Misaki. So what the heck is her name? Or are they just giving her nicknames?
wolfenergy17 chapter 52 . 8/17/2015
Gosh, this story is awesome! I just finished it all at once, and I have got to say that I am impressed. You managed to write a SAO story that had its own plot, didn't focus on Kirito or Asuna but instead took a lesser featured character and made your own story, made an OC who was not OP even if she was a game creater, and so much more. I am so glad that I found this story, as it is a hidden gem. I loved the idea of archery, and Inferno and Blizzard are just amazing. And then you gave Ami an appearance, and my respect for you skyrocketed. I mean, you mention the Elder Scrolls series and Okami in a SAO fanfiction! That is heaven right there. Add some specific Skyrim content (which you did with the Alduin figurine), and a dash of features from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and I would probally have a Gamer freakout and fall over dead. Don't get me started on your writing! The emotions you are able to elicit from me through just words are crazy! Sure, there is some typos scattered about, but the story more than makes up for it. You potrayed Klien well, and I am happy that you chose to elaborate on his character, as I always thought he had such a wasted potential in the anime. The fact that Fumiko doesn't contact the outside world very often confused me, though. We saw her conversing in the begining, but it was sorta abandoned intil her trail. Did she continue feeding info to the outside and it just wasn't written in much? It seemed weird to me, as I thought that was one of the most unique aspects of the story with the most potential. I would be using it constantly if I was Fumiko. I alwayd wondered why every single person used the Hand Mirror in the begining of the game. Why would you trust a gift given to you by the crazy psychopath who trapped you in a Death Game? I would be hesitant to even read the description, much less use it. So, when Fumiko chose to abstain from using it, I was so happy that you had her do so-even if it was for a different purpose. The way you incorporated Fumiko into ALO was brilliant! I did not see that coming AT ALL. I thought he would trap her but I would have never guessed that he would include her in the main game, nor that he would use her as a guinea pig in the next stage of his experiments! Gosh, this story is just so good! I can't fit everything I loved about the whole story into one review, but I think I hit most of my major points. I forget the dick's name, but the other guy who went into SAO with Funiko (his name starts with a D, ironically) was a nice twist, especially including him into ALO. The way you wrote him made me hate the giy even before he met up with Fumiko in SAO for a second time. Good job potraying his personality so well in such a short time. In conclusion, this story rocks, and I love your OC!
ForgottenPrince chapter 52 . 8/10/2015
Absolutely great story, loved every minute of it.

Regards Prince
Ayv chapter 2 . 5/5/2015
Enjoyed the chapter, once again.

I'll start at the beginning,
/ The party was a great way to start this chapter, especially how you tied this night, the night she was supposed to start SAO w/ Klein, into the night everything went down.
I really enjoyed how you gave us a perspective on the other side of SAO, and let us in on how Federal Agencies and the media would react to the situation.

You tied in this with her having to go into SAO nicely as well. Instead of her just popping it on, she 'had' to go inside, well done.

Now, the other side...
Once again, a little more clarification in the dialogue would be nice, but I was able to follow it.
A few spelling and grammar mistakes, who doesn't have those, though.

I liked the entry to SAO, but felt that it was a little rushed, great idea, just a little rushed.

Overall, nice chapter,
Ayv chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
I enjoyed this chapter!

It would be nice if there was a little bit more clarification in the Dialogue, but I like the style nonetheless.

But yeah, overall, nothing major, you entertained me :)
Words and letters chapter 52 . 3/26/2015
This is a great story, and a good way you blended ancraid and alfine together, I hope that I see other amazing works from you
Eka-Chan chapter 52 . 3/7/2015
Wonderful wonderful wonderful story! It tooke a little while to finish it but I love it so much. keep writing!
nkcummings.01 chapter 52 . 2/26/2015
My God... that was amazing. I just sat here on my laptop for 4 hours straight reading all of this story and can i just say, that was the most beautiful piece of writing i've ever read. Im not even joking, that was the best SAO fanfiction E.V.E.R. And another thing, Fumiko, one of the best OC characters i've ever seen. I absolutely love your work and i love this story. This was just so perfect. I have no idea who you are but I admire you so much. A stadium of claps goes to you and this story. Thank you for that wonderful fanfiction. You, are amazing.

Truly Nk.01
partygirl98 chapter 52 . 2/23/2015
I'm a little sad to see the story ended but happy too. You did a good job. When I get a chance I'll read you bleach story. By the way you forgot the y in my name. But I'm honored and happy to have left feedback
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