Reviews for Darkstar Rises
Guest chapter 10 . 7/12
please continue this soon and can you make i a harem with hermione, luna, tonks, fleur, bellatrix, rias, koneko, akeno, yasaka, and ophis
Fafnir the golden monarch chapter 10 . 6/20
I have to agree with Zorn, taking everything away is much better then killing. The suffering of their ignorance is greatly satisfying. I do look forward to see more of this story, if you still have motivation and time to keep us entertained.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/9
can you please write more of this story
Paddygleeson chapter 10 . 5/24
Absolutely brilliant and I am looking forward to chap 11 if you bring it out.
Bigvanilla chapter 10 . 5/9
Love the story can't wait for more I hope you continue to write more stories. Loved seeing the reaction of potters to what is going on with the story. Can we get one like that for Malfoy Sr.
kirosyamcha chapter 8 . 4/29
Ahh just too many pointless years at Hogwarts :/ just have him slaughter volde and get rid of the others and be done with it it’s kinda dragging somewhat
kirosyamcha chapter 3 . 4/29
Making Harry seem a little darker than mos devils from the show, especially considering his canon personality
alphaprince0 chapter 6 . 4/18
it would be cool if harry was still the heir of the Potters or heir of other wizard families like Slytherin and Gryffindor
alphaprince0 chapter 1 . 4/17
I feel bad for Lily and Rose could you at leasr redeem Lily somehow
alphaprince0 chapter 1 . 4/17
would it be possible to redeem or enslave Lily
alphaprince0 chapter 10 . 4/16
can you add Fleur, Tonks, Bellatrix, Ophis, Valerie Tepes, and Kuroka if they're not already? does he have all the same powers as Zorn? is there going to be Issei bashing? please pm your response
PurpleArrowhead chapter 3 . 4/6
what if Liam IS the boy who lived and the AK gave him brain damage, correction, LOTS of brain damage
PurpleArrowhead chapter 9 . 4/6
brilliant Holmes, do keep this up my good sir
PurpleArrowhead chapter 2 . 4/6
Fate didn't intervene, she was killed in a dual against Zorn. He was bored that day. my fave character has to be Rebecca I personally aspire to be like Zorn, impassive and uncaring I thought it was canon that galleons have enchantments on them for this occasion, was I wrong? wants something simple, asks for 5 star hotel amenities I like the story and the fact that you address how screwed a wizard is compared to some of the entities, but I feel like you are actively working your frustration into this without giving wizards some footing
PurpleArrowhead chapter 1 . 4/6
their game plan reminds me uncomfortably of what the malfoys would do, so yah Zorn be like "That's ma boy!"
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