Reviews for Sonic One Shots
Just a girl chapter 67 . 7/17
Why would you make me cry?! This is so... I don't have words but its so freaking beautiful!
jacquisup chapter 5 . 7/16
Poor Sonic. Epilepsy sucks! I’ve been epileptic since the day I was born. It took until I was 7 to make it official with Complex Partial Seizures, but my parents already knew by the time I was 4. I usually have about 5 a day or 7-8 a month. I started writing down when I have one in high school so my neurologist can think of something. I didn’t have them this often until high school. I got hints like Sonic. Weird taste and heart pounding. Then be out of it for about 2-3 minutes. 14 minutes more common then the beginning. My time limit is 15 minutes so I cut it wicked close.
SparkyIceblaze135 chapter 66 . 7/16
Knuckles is so sweet
Renegade Hero chapter 68 . 7/16
This was great. It felt very in character, but also very real. Shadow being the one to notice Sonic was having trouble and to help him was good, I feel like he would.
GuardianDragon98 chapter 68 . 7/16
Thank you for this. I've been dying to see a one-shot where Sonic has to struggle with PTSD after the Metal Virus saga until someone comes to help.
numberjacksoctonauts chapter 68 . 7/16
Aww, what a sweet Sonic and Shadow story. Shadow helping Sonic through this kind of pain is really sweet and it makes sense considering what Shadow had gone through.
YamiYugiYuki chapter 57 . 7/3
Ah, I love this so much. I’ve always viewed Iblis as the inbodiment of time, he’s only ever really half awake but I love this idea as well. Can’t wait to see what happens next with this story if you do any more with it
Serkeru chapter 67 . 6/29
Hello, I have just re-read all of the chapters and the one that caught my eye was the Sonic Underground crossover. Do you think you could make another chapter? I just find the older Shadow shadowing Sonic concept interesting. From Shads view, you have a good friend that is growing into their power all over again and get to watch how they overcome challenges that they already should know.
But from Sonic's view? He's concerned. There is something watching him and he doesn't know what. If someone told him about his supposed kidnapping by an ebony black and blood red Hedgehog, he would get even more unsettled.
So a hilarious concept came to my mind.
Sonic finds out he is adopted and suddenly everything he was told about his family is put into question. Enter Shadow and he looks so similar to Sonic. . .
Basically everyone comes to the wrong conclusion about who Shadow is to Sonic.
Guest chapter 67 . 6/6
Hi i've been reading your story for a while and enjoy every single chapter you made i like it how you exploit the loophols in games in general or just making story from imagination where the main character gets hurt can cry can be emotional because everyone can be affected by something keep doing it you're doing an amazing job
PS : can you make part 3 of this story please how it affect it him in long term like having nightmares gets doubtful that it's just of the ruby giving him the illusions of his friends saving him mistrust of anyone attention like ptsd if i m not wrong
Dayni Yini chapter 16 . 6/6
I love seeing Knuckles and Sonic having a brotherly bond. They're adorable! I wish to see them like that more often though.
Dayni Yini chapter 16 . 6/6
Are chaos emeralds exist in Sonic Boom? I never seen or mentioned about chaos emeralds in every episode I have watch.
Wheredinosaursroam13 chapter 15 . 6/5
Okay sorry to say but your character Frost is a copy of Jack Frost from rise of the guardians yes I say this A you have a blue hoodie white hair only thing you changed about it was the story of him and his pants and green eyes or I misread something on the eyes either way cool but unusual crossover placement for sonic verse
GuardianDragon98 chapter 67 . 6/5
THIS. This is how to do the "Sonic was tortured aboard the Death Egg for 6 months" idea that Forces failed to deliver. I love the emotions here.
Asperger Hero chapter 66 . 5/25
For my request. If you accept to do it : Chris Thorndyke x Amy Rose with the prompts "photo" and "camera".
numberjacksoctonauts chapter 66 . 5/26
Aww, Knuckles and Sonic brother bonding. That was adorable, even if the whole thing was in the Boom universe which I'm not fond of.

One thing I'd like to see. You know when Shadow saves Sonic from Silver in 06? I would like to see how Shadow found Sonic at Silver's mercy, and what drove him to save him from the deathblow. That aspect of the respect in their relationship intrigued me in that game.
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