Reviews for The War of Tomorrow
Mallahawk25 chapter 54 . 3/15/2017
Very nice story although a few errors such as cover ups on the Promethans, though I guess it wouldn't of matterd too much since it was really only people who fought. Then the dating was off. That's all I can say
Mallahawk25 chapter 42 . 3/15/2017
And plus the composer only collects human to turn them into AIs so there's no collateral damage.
Mallahawk25 chapter 33 . 3/15/2017
PS the battle is well over a year late.
Jakeros chapter 50 . 12/17/2015
Cue the bomb drop.
Jakeros chapter 49 . 12/17/2015
Oh no Ethan is SOOO screwed XD
Jakeros chapter 46 . 12/17/2015
Damn it Ethan! You had a good thing going. Now you done fucked it all up. Marvelous.
Jakeros chapter 40 . 12/9/2015
Holy shit! Mantle's approach?! DIDACT?!
kill3rdarren chapter 50 . 11/20/2015
Well. Thats kind of a bombshell. Haha. It's been ages since i've read this story. XD but yes. Im back for a bit XD
DraggyX2 chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
im just glad you stoped at new car and not a fresh diaper 0o
dahellraider chapter 54 . 10/6/2015
Hey, It's been a long while since I reviewed, or even read a story (had a really bad year last year with a death in the family at the same time as a major breakup, but reading and just having a lot more time to myself helped). I'm back, and just got caught up with the series. Love it as always, and I cant wait to see where the series goes next. will be reading your new one now of course, and am really looking forward to halo 5. one question is if you ever intend to implement Spartans in any way shape or form? as far as I remember you never had, but you dont need to of curse its your story. It's just in the halo universe the Spartans are much bigger now, and are even their own separate military branch. Anyways keep up the great work :)
kill3rdarren chapter 49 . 9/30/2015
uh oh. that pretty sum's up the last part of this chapter.
kill3rdarren chapter 48 . 9/29/2015
YES! reunion! but PG 13 guys! There are two little girls watching! XD
kill3rdarren chapter 47 . 9/29/2015
Aww matt. i think he was sweet on Anna. LOL. i was just thinking it'd be cool if at least 2 of Nat's kids end up in the military. maybe one as a marine and one as a warship captain or something. then The other can be a doctor, so maybe when Nat gets shot...again. he'd be like she's gonna die. and she'd get back up and say, i've had worse, grab her rifle and march back out there and then willis can say, "You see why i love your mother?" haha. and Ethan is back to being formal. i take perverse pleasure in that. i don't know why.
kill3rdarren chapter 46 . 9/27/2015
ah, Ethan. Well, now we have a legit reason to give him hell again. But kind of sad really. I think he really liked Nat. Ah wells, back to the drawing board for his friendship with Nat i guess. Wonder if Nat will tell Willis. It's not like they need more dissension in the ranks, but i think it's better to be honest as soon as possible. Or we could try and keep it a secret. That works too. we just have to watch what we say reaaaallll closely.
kill3rdarren chapter 42 . 9/27/2015
Ah collins! No! well Hawk, you have some pretty big boots to fill...
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