Reviews for Timeless
Rogue Angel Serenity chapter 10 . 4/5
I tried sticking with this as long as I could but I'm having a bit of a hard time, I'll be honest.
for the most part it's quite well written, but a couple of things seemed to have really been rushed for the sake of moving the story along.
Big turning points are forced on Kara and it doesn't seem to be happening organically. there are 3 main issues I have so far. The altercation in her house with her mother and intruder (as SHIELD were involved, I dont know why they would have let an underage civilian back into the house with an armed and dangerous intruder? again rushing situations for the sake of moving things along) , Clints dismissal of her grief was in very poor taste (and I honestly wanted to hit him. I dont know what person says to someone days after they've lost a loved one "you should move on/get over itand somewhat out of character for him (it would have been nice to read about her coping with her grief, coming to terms with her growing abilities and developing her skills as an agent) and the time jumping are all big issues for me. Fury seemed quite distraught at the beginning and one immediately realises they were close, but because of the time skipping you dont get to appreciate their bond at all. I think this is why I'm having a lot of trouble even connecting with her as a character. I'm also having trouble accepting she has so many powers and its sounds like shes a bit OP at this point. telepathy, telekinesis, force fields, flight, super strength.
I do apologise if this comes across as particularly harsh, it's not my intention. In fact I typically dont review. usually if I dont like something I hit the back button and find something else, but I feel like your story has a lot of potential, but simply misses the mark in a few places. I hope one day you'll perhaps revisit this and consider fleshing ot out more.
Stefani.Marie09 chapter 20 . 3/14/2019
Lori chapter 46 . 11/3/2018
Ugh. I want to strangle Kara. Don’t run away from the problems!
Lori chapter 5 . 11/2/2018
I have read my fair share of Loki smut at this point and this chapter had me blushing. HOLY COW. great job.
Heaven's Mistake chapter 52 . 7/25/2017
That line is from POTC! Way to kill us with a cliffhanger. I think you've seen the Sherlock Holmes with RDJ too many times. XD
Heaven's Mistake chapter 50 . 7/25/2017
The perfect song for the end of this chapter is Kiss It All Better by He is We.
Heaven's Mistake chapter 2 . 7/24/2017
I know it's a bit soon, and their relationship will be different, but the way you depict Loki is almost like a perfect father.
nessieh-42 chapter 42 . 12/5/2016
Ok, I'm not sure if anybody else has said this, but I really would have loved to see Kara's reaction to Loki's impersonation of Steve during the escape. Whatever her reaction, hilarity would ensue.
nessieh-42 chapter 36 . 12/5/2016
Ok, I'm not sure if anybody else has said this, but I really would have loved to see Kara's reaction to Loki's impersonation of Steve during the escape. Whatever her reaction, hilarity would ensue.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/26/2016
Help I'm in Love With Loki
Fiera Evenstar chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
This is amazing.
OptimusPrimegirl213 chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
Love it a lot keep up this wonderful work
Abialla chapter 9 . 4/14/2016
Did anybody else notice the MIB reference? Because it made me very happy. Possibly my most favorite quote from that movie lol
firedrakegirl chapter 54 . 10/21/2015
Wow. That's all I can say about this story. I loved it. In fact, I loved it so much I only got two hours of sleep in favor of reading it. I finished in two days, well more like I started at 7 pm yesterday and finished at five pm today. I can't wait to check out the sequel, but I have to wait until after class. I loved your version of Loki! Heimdall was brilliant as well. Many stories overlook him.
RandomFandoms14 chapter 7 . 7/18/2015
I finally figured out that Vanya is attempting to be a Mary Sue. I eviscerate Mary Sues with a dull spoon in my sleep, Vanya. So watch out!
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