Reviews for Bad Teachers
Sammii16 chapter 35 . 7/16
Came across your stories recently.
Love them all.
You are one hell of Creator and Writer.
Loved everything about this story.
Like you said that all three were parts of you, well you definitely had their personalities down and the banter.
Big Big Kudos
Thank you
Swanqueenislife7 chapter 21 . 7/14
I don’t know if you still these comments but this is like the 15th time I’m reading this FF I absolutely adore it and wish to my last breathe I could see this shit play of for real. I’d fucking die at first eye contact. Anywho thank you so fucking much for this beautiful pie today art
JenDamn chapter 4 . 7/7
Me! Me!
litleduckie chapter 22 . 7/2
This just keeps getting better and better. So good. I can't put it down. I'm recovering from shoulder surgery and a messed up sciatic nerve in my hip so this has totally taking my mind off the pain... So thank you! Better then any pain killers!
litleduckie chapter 21 . 7/2
I absolutely loved this chapter!
litleduckie chapter 12 . 6/30
Mmm I quite enjoyed this chapter!
ALJ4069 chapter 4 . 6/18
omg... why is Emma so prudish... she's definitely annoying me
ALJ4069 chapter 2 . 6/18
Regina Mills is definitely a MILF... hot dam
Cramble7 chapter 18 . 2/25/2019
Oh god, although I love the story, you so need to stop translating in french with Google Translate, this was painful to the eyes. Try a text translator if you have to, or a human being : still is and always will be the best communication device ever.
Guest chapter 35 . 10/20/2018
Alexa chapter 15 . 7/13/2018
Bit of confusion in some parts, like wasn't Regina wearing blaxk shiry and white skirt hence why she and emma was teasing each other about clumsiness dirtying tgeir clothes.
When did emma find out about regina age, i might have miased it on prev chapters
Alternate8 chapter 6 . 6/28/2018
This. Is. Amazing.
Swan-Millsbeliever chapter 35 . 6/1/2018
I literally binged this story in two days it was amazing and I loved every minute of it
Swanqueen7 chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
Love this story!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/17/2017
Only found this story today, it s amazing
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