Reviews for The Sins of The Few
GiggleboxGirlie chapter 14 . 11/19/2017
Wow, you created such a complex character; and such an awkward but, understandable relationship... I love it. This story is awesome and unique. I appreciate her getting upset every time someone mentions her dog in a way that makes her angry. The first time Sarah mentioned him I was like, "That's it, that bitch is dead". I would do the same for my dog. Anyways, I am glad to see her have this small moment with Felicity I really want her to have the chance to make friends and she would be a good place to start. At least it will help the atmosphere in the 'arrow cave' better. I am stoked about this and can't wait for the next update!
GiggleboxGirlie chapter 6 . 11/17/2017
Oh... okay I haven't completed this chapter but, you answered the feminist thing right away. Thanks for that btw. I could see how that could make someone feel in control of something. I was so confused before it was illogical at least from my perspective and personal expierence. But that really dpes make sense too. Now back to the chapter with me.
GiggleboxGirlie chapter 5 . 11/17/2017
Uhhh I'm totally loving this but... that is pretty archaic and hard for a feminst who lives in a hood or impoverished drug district like myself to swallow. I'm much more comfortable fighting my own battles. Walking to my car with a key between my knuckles at all times in case I need an equalizing punch. But, I would never be upset that someone tried to help or step in when I was caught in sticky situations. I've been the person to step on and strangerd both male and female have backed me up. If anything it gives me hope to see others willing to help even if I don't want them hurt by helping me but, as the adrenaline wears off and I'm tucking myself in I think about how grateful I am to know that humanity is doomed. Not everyone will just look away when they see something they don't want to deal with. And I'm lucky I don't live on slums like she did so if it had been worse I can't imagine anyone would be upset from getting help simply because of their gender if they're comfortable with one... it just kind of blowd my mind. The storh is awedome though and I'll keep reading of course.
beth626 chapter 14 . 4/25/2017
I'm actually really enjoying this, please come back and continue this.
highlander348 chapter 12 . 6/27/2015
Oliver is a controlling jerk! No woman should have to put up with that! Talk about abuse.
sharkswillruledaWORLD chapter 11 . 6/21/2015
Whenever they say 'fine' 'fine' the first thing that pops in my mind is 'okay' 'okay' and ever since I've been gushing like crazy.
Anyway, your story is amazing. Seriously. It's so original and I simply love it. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please please update ASAP.
highlander348 chapter 8 . 6/9/2015
The story is confusing. I don't understand what is happening. :(
skinkypi chapter 7 . 1/26/2015
please upload
Savage Kill chapter 7 . 11/25/2014
Wow she's had a tough life. I seriously wonder what else she went through in life to actually survive. Also I can't help but wonder who is actually after her and trying to kill her, though I might think it has to deal with the past in which she can't remember all that much about.

Update soon!
Erudessa-gabrielle chapter 7 . 11/24/2014
HopelesslyHappy chapter 7 . 11/16/2014
Ugh why haven't you updated! I need to know what happens! Pleeaaase
highlander348 chapter 7 . 11/2/2014
Nice to see a update! I hope Isobel can save Oliver. By the way is she ever going to get in on the action next to Team Arrow? It's kind of sad just seeing her cooped up in the Arrow cave and missing out on the crimefighting. :(
Please change that! :D
Smiling cat from down under chapter 6 . 10/31/2014
Interesting story can't wait to see what happens next
highlander348 chapter 6 . 8/23/2014
Ok this chapter made more sense. Still thought Sara was being over handed in pulling that gun on Oliver. That's not like her. As for Isobel it was good she was jealous of Ollie being kissed by Sara. It shows she has some feelings for him. She could be nicer to him since he has taken a considerable risk to help her. I also liked her martial art skills. She needs improvement though. Oliver can help with her that. It would be another way for them to connect and become closer. Plus seeing Isobel beat Oliver always brings a smile to my face. :)
Ravenmore45 chapter 5 . 8/22/2014
I am totally confused by this story. What the heck is happening here? Is this chick on crack or something? She acts like it. Sara is acting like a fucking nutcase to.
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