Reviews for The Morning After the Night Before
Wordaholic chapter 3 . 4/30
What a perfect way to start a Thursday. Thank you for writing and sharing this. It was as beautifully funny and sexy as LL themselves.
b chapter 3 . 3/27
PERFECT! adored this so much thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
Yesssss! The characters are so on point! Ms. Patty? Oh my! Hit the nail on the head! First page in and I'm so hooked!
Sage chapter 3 . 5/15/2017
SO GOOD OH MY GOD! This is so incredibly well written the characterization was Spot On and just wow wow wow!
did htey do it chapter 3 . 8/7/2015
do it
tiggerdavis1970 chapter 3 . 11/10/2014
That was amazing! I loved it! But why didn't you have Lorelai tell Luke that she loves him too? I love them together! Loved the series!
CountryMustBeCountryWide chapter 3 . 11/6/2011
Oh my GOSH. 3 it. I skimmed the last bit, lol. But I really wanna know what happened after he kissed her in the diner. I've ALWAYS wanted them together. Please please write more.
ThoroughlyConsumed chapter 3 . 7/20/2009
Aw. Adorable!

I don't usually read Luke and Lorelai fics because people always get the characterizations wrong, but you were spot-on. I'm very impressed, and this was adorable! :D

mandeeangel chapter 3 . 11/5/2006
i know you wrote this a cery long time ago, but i just wanted to say that i lovveed this story!
Springrain chapter 2 . 5/22/2006
Yeah for the authentic snappy dialogue and random conversation turns!
oshgpoehrm chapter 3 . 4/21/2006
Well, I realised that since I've been recommending this story to people, I should probably review. Yeah, it's amazing, wonderful, happy, fluffy, schmoopy and just the right length. I love it. And I completely disagree with noele because well... enjoy your unwanted pregnancy and possible STD's, since safe sex is apparently a turn-off for you. I know it's fic-land and Gilmore land, but still, that's the reality. And who says something has to be perfect? I don't think it took away from the story at all. Love the story!
moonmouse chapter 3 . 4/21/2006
AREHGBIOWCEKJOPJ! wow. sorry, I find it hard to be coherant after reading particularly wonderful L/L stories. Clearly, this is one of them. BRILLIANCE! PERFECTION!
noele chapter 1 . 2/22/2006
You lost me with the "condom". Any story where the intimate moments of these two characters involve a condom make me cringe and I am saying it every chance I get. To me it is a complete turn off. I don't really see the point. These stories are not about one night stands, they are or should be about a very special relationship.

Should leave the condoms for the likes of "jason" not Luke.

Sorry about my honesty but that's how strongly I feel. So I won't comment on the rest of the story.

AmericanMercury chapter 1 . 11/14/2005
Fantastic. That was fluffy as hell and damned adorable.
kayce chapter 3 . 10/26/2005
Very well written. I'm impressed with the charecterazation and the dedication to the style of the show. I wish I could spell. This is my first time reading a gilmore girls fanfic and I have to say you have set the bar high for any other stories I will read. ALso, I this it's brave of you to take a different plot format. It's a typical stroy on it's own... but the way you told it and the order will make it much more memerable.

::high five: :):):):):):)
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