Reviews for Icicles
Emmeebee chapter 1 . 9/6/2018
I've never thought about who was the one to tell Andromeda what happened, but I like the idea of it being Narcissa.
anandisrivastava11 chapter 1 . 10/27/2015
xNotAMugglex chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Wow. This hurt, a lot.

You should really write where Tonks and Lupin died because I think yours would be the best written one out there.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Oh, this one was excellent too!
My feels.
abbykadabra chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
VoicesOffCamera chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
Wow. I loved this, it was really good. The descriptions you weave are chilling and really paint a fantastic picture. I especially loved your description of Andromeda’s reaction to being told both her daughter and son in law were killed. “…her throat is frozen too, coated with slippery black ice that words cannot climb up.” Such a vivid description. I think the ice theme worked really well here too.

I find it interesting that Narcissa is the one to bring this news. In a way I like it, because it shows that Narcissa is reaching out and truly does regret the path that she has walked. I have my own headcanon that after the war Andromeda and Narcissa reach a place where they are able to speak again, though some wounds never really heal. I like the way you portray it as Narcissa reaching out and Andromeda pushing her away, because now is not the time to really hash out what needs hashing out, you know?

The one thing that I’m not sure I quite buy is the idea that Narcissa has so much information about what exactly happened to Tonks and Remus. I figure this occurs right after the battle, as none of the Order has yet made it to Andromeda’s house to tell her what’s happened. I always thought that Narcissa was only on the outskirts of the battle, just enough so that she could find her son and get him to safety. I’m not sure she would have seen what happen nor would she be chatting up with others about what exactly happened and who killed who and how. But that’s just an opinion really, and I might be missing some sort of canon detail that contradicts that.

Overall this was really well done!
Marilee Susan Way chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
Hi, um, Wotcher... ;) So I just got done reading the Escapades of Teddy Lupin and then decided to come here next because I can't get enough apparently. This was so, so good! And unfortunately the first thing that came to mind when I was formulating my review was a little inappropriate. I'm going to write it anyway now, because well I can't seem to let it go. I wish I didn't find it funny.

You give good headcanon.

So sorry. ;)
camillablue chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
Oh my goodness, I loved this so much. What a beautiful little tale for two way-underused characters. The premise is very believable and the emotions are heart-breakingly realistic. Wonderful!
Elektra Elentari chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
Sad but great! Good job ;)
The Lady Arturia chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I have no clue why I haven't read this before.

Well. Congratulations. You've successfully made me cry.

I cannot survive through Remus/Tonks stories without getting teary eyed. I started reading and I was like oh hell I regret this.

I don't, really, but you know what I mean. I also managed to hold in my tears quite well up till the point where Cissa's all 'She fought until the very end' and Andy's like 'She's far braver than I ever was' and I'm here sobbing into my pillow agh...


I saw that you've called Tonks Nymphie and I scrolled up to see when you'd posted this and I was like SEE HOW I KNEW TO CALL YOU NYMPHIE

I loved this and AdAstra is next up on my list.
JadedEpiphany chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Oh I loved this. I have a soft spot for the Black sisters and even though once again, you asked for a review on Escapades, I felt I could give this a more intensive review because it's something I'm more familiar with so to speak. I love your characteristics of Andromeda and to me, Andromeda has always been an insanely strong character. She managed to break free of her family's chains, completely defy everything that she had been groomed to be and married a Muggleborn. And now in the blink of an eye, she has no one but her grandson.

I like how you had Narcissa be the bearer of the news on Tonks and Remus's death, it gives it even more of an emotional depth considering the history Narcissa and Andromed have. And the descriptions of Andromeda's emotions when Cissy told her that her daughter was killed were so phenomenal that I felt them myself and even despite the pain, she still gave that strong outward demeanor that she is known for.

The news that it was Bellatrix that killed her daughter too was such a poignant part. So too was her vow for vengeance. And it ended perfectly. You must do a sequel or something! I loved it.

Winter Leigh End chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
Seeing as this is the last fic of yours I can review, until you update Escapades, I'll try and make this an especially good one!

I think this one goes very well with Ad Astra, they both capture the grief of the characters you use excellently. In a way, this could almost be a prelude to what's to come. While Hermione's grief is more for everything and everyone, Andromeda's is for her daughter and for her grandson and Remus.

What happens in this fic is very intense and the way you end it leaves her pain unresolved therefore this piece leaves one despairing much more after they finish.

I like how Narcissa was the one to tell her, it makes so much sense. Harry and the rest of the trio simply would have been too busy and even the Order members would have greater concerns than to leave Hogwarts in the aftermath to tell her of their deaths. Narcissa, though, could slip away without too much notice and let her sister know if she so chose.

It was much more interesting see Andromeda push away Narcissa and the comfort she could have given in favor of curling up alone to cry. I don't know if this reflects on Andromeda so much as a person, but it certainly emphasizes her mental state where she feels alone now that all her closest people are dead.

This is a very strong piece and I liked it very much!
Lumosify chapter 1 . 1/19/2015

This was absolutely heartbreaking. And you kept them continuous the entire way. I think maybe Andy and Cissy might start visiting each other occasionally after this, after Andy gets over her stubbornness. And maybe she would meet Scorpius. Maybe.

This is a really good headcanon, I didn't even think about it. I mean, the Malfoys were let free and all, but then I stopped thinking about them 'till the Epilogue. Clearly you have done so much more thinking than me. :)


Nightmare Prince chapter 1 . 1/18/2015

-Before I review this, permit me the time to go cry a little bit in the corner-

Okay, I'm back.

This story was absolutely magnificent, a beautiful depiction of Narcissa and Andromeda. It was always my Headcanon that Narcissa was the one to tell Andy about Tonks' death and now that I have seen a flawless story depicting just that . . . . I just wish it weren't true. Tonks and Remus . . . both gone . . . The sinking of Remadora . . . this story was just magnificent.

I did detect one instance of SPaG: [instead they seems to freeze into tiny] - should be - [instead they SEEM to freeze into tiny] It's a very minor thing but I thought I should point it out.

The way in which Andromeda began to hope because Narcissa told her that Moldensnort was dead was just heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking because we, the reader, already knows that Tonks and Remus are both dead and then the hammer falls and Andromeda knows that she has lost the world. Except for Teddy.

The bit about her not joining the Order was very nicely woven into the story. I liked that whilst she was an ally of the Order, she didn't commit to the movement and fight alongside them . . . but if she went then Teddy may have nobody and this would be terrible.

-Excuse me now, I need to go an cry some more-

-Ciao Mate
RhodaBush chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
So sad... I am a big NT fan
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