Reviews for Hidden Away
phoenixfire567 chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
this is really cool, are you gonna write a story where the team finds out about all of this?
Patricia chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
I just read this story, it's amazing! I really enjoy these types of stories! I love that reid isn't an open book. Keep up your awesome writing I hope to read many more stories like this from you! You are a very gifted writer!
DepthsOfCreation chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
I fuckinh loved this!
I so wish this was how it happened in the show!
I feel Reid isn't appreciated and u know what I'm saying? He's always awkward and nerdy, but someone with that IQ should be able to do whatever the hell they want and plus he's sexy!;)
Mele chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
Wow...interesting take on Reid. I like it. A lot. Well written, compelling read. I love that your take on Reid is not this 'sweet, innocent lamb' but a man with secrets, vices, strengths, weaknesses. And much more complex than the others realize. Great story.
Sue1313 chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
Oh this was so good. I love the list of things they don't know about him, especial about Addie. I so wish she would marry him and have his babies. It was so sad that she lost her husband and child. I loved that she was at Maeve's funeral. I wish there was a sequel to this story.
DJSteele chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
Wow, what more can I say? It is one of the best back stories for a character I have ever read in fan fiction. And I have been reading fan fiction for more than 30 years. Hope to see more.

tannerose5 chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
That was a great first piece. Your last line, though, was so ominous. I, too, can see Reid becoming a killer if he hits his point of no return.
You stated so many reasons for secrets that were hidden away.
Wouldn't it be nice if Reid met someone like Addie on the series? But, it would make a lot of fan-girls sad.
Again, nice job on your first. I hope you have more in your head.