Reviews for Unspeakable
SupNerds chapter 1 . 5/22
enjoyed reading this, interesting plot, I would have never thought of it
Flyby2 chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Your friend gave you the wrong advice. The title is Unspeakable. It should be Unpublishable. I am sad for where your mind was when you wrote this because it is horrific, sadistic with no basis, and ridiculously inconceivable. No way - ever - could Morgan be forced I to raping anyone, let alone Reid! Besides that, someone needs to feel aroused to accomplish rape, and Morgan hated what he was doing so how could he have even managed it, especially in a way he was told exactly how to move hen everyone including Reid is supposed to forgive like no big deal since his family was held hostage? This is crazy! I cannot believe you published this sick story. You are capable of so much better.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
I’m sorry but I couldn’t not comment on this.

Rape is wrong. It is the most irrideemable crime against humanity. If someone threatens your family unless you rape someone, you kill that sick bastard. You find your family. I’m sorry but this is just... this is just too horrible. I would rather die than do this to my friend.

Derek Morgan is one of the kindest characters, he would NEVER agree to this. Reid did not have to forgive him. Reid could have had him sent to prison. I thought Hotch was going to shove Morgan against the wall and try to kill him, but with a few words it was okay? It was okay that... Morgan raped his best friend? Rape is never justifiable, EVER.

And having Garcia and Horxh dismiss Reid’s own rape to his face was cruel.
sherryola chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
I don't think it would be very realistic that Reid could ever forgive him, or at least every fully trust him. I wouldn't. The betrayal of a friend in that way would be the worst ever, no matter why it happened. Such a sad story. beautifully told.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2017
This... this is just horrible. It feels like an insult to rape and sexual assault victims. Reid didn't come to terms with what happened, everyone just guilt i'm into forgiving a rapist? like what the hell. You made it seem like rape "is not that bad" and your fucking rapist is feeling bad too so you should "let it go". Horrible, and gross.
InsanityIsNormal2004 chapter 1 . 5/12/2017 know that I liked it...I was just about to say that was sweet...but you know. Okay I'll word it like the beginning I was not sure, about around the middle it made me cry, but the end was really sweet.
Cherubim chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
O.K. Please allow me to try to write this again.
This story is very heart warming.
Thank you for sharing.
Cherubim chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Thiago story is very heart Watling.
Thank you for sharing.
GlOmP3R chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Oh wow, this was so emotional , kickass job.
Tari4078 chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
Wow! What can I say? That was both a great story and a terrifyingly horrible one at the same time. I don't know if I could have stayed friends with my friend if they did something so horrific to me.
samantha martin chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
You should make another one.
Ana again chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Cavender would not have driven Morgan's family to Virginia. Since he was on the phone the whole time all he had to do was given Morgan his family's location and then have Morgan call the Chicago P.D. Taking three prisoners across country in a car would have been quite the unnecessary challenge especially since he already had the surveillance set up.
Ana chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Oh damn that was bad. Criminal Minds usually doesn't give me nightmares but this did. I would have like to read more about the recovery period though, maybe a little bit of Morgan being extra nice to Reid and going out of his way to show him that he wouldn't hurt him again. I've got this idea about Reid telling Hotch that he's okay being around Morgan on cases as long as he's not ALONE with him. PS. You seem to like torturing Reid a little too much.
Bleeding Black Blades chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
A very interesting story. Very emotional as it with a happy ending. It's good to show how Ried and Morgan can go through so much together but remain good friends at the end. :)
pipinheart chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
Sad and lovely at the same time.
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