Reviews for Love's Fool: The Taming of Lydia Bennet
Jansfamily4 chapter 2 . 5/27/2019
Very cute!
Jansfamily4 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
This sounds funny!
ProfessorPedant chapter 1 . 11/16/2016
Interestingly enough, there were no police in London in Jane Austen's time. The closest would be the Bow Street Runners or the Thames River Police. Neither would be what we would consider regular police to be. Those did not come about for 15-25 years when Sir Robert Peel started the London Metropolitan Police force. They are often called Bobbies or Peelers after their founder.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/28/2015
gah! I hate this new trend of publishing on amazon, it really destroys the fanfic community. toi bad Austen is dead so long she has no copyright any more...
anyway I enjoyed the start of your story, it is an interesting premise, and since I dislike Lydia not even the forced marriage gives me too much pause. sorry it is not continued - I am afraid it is not so good I eould pay money for it (but that goes for nealy all fanfic - it is not the writing or your skills as an author, it's more ghe editing etc.). best wishes and success to you.
nanciellen chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
What a wonderful start ! How amusing and witty. Enjoying this. Thank you.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/26/2015
I read this before it was taken down, and I hope I left a review at that time! If not, apologies!

I came back because of fond memories of Lydia sewing Mr Bennet's pants shut. While Lydia is flawed (surely no one denies that!) too many "reformed" Lydia stories either present her as abused/downtrodden or highly and self-loathingly repentent. Or completely cast off - eh, no one cared enough to improve her before, why should that change after?

Anyway, I liked that Lydia could be more sensible while still retaining her special brand of fun. Thanks for the lovely story!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2014
If I could change one thing about , it would be that "published" works had to be removed completely from this site. This "preview" crap is such bull.
Heather Snow chapter 23 . 11/12/2014
I enjoyed this story very much. The diary/letter writing format was handled very well. Their personalities shown through, and it was quite humorous at times. For me, the final chapter didn't work. I've never really cared for endings where some completely unknown character (yes, we knew of her existence but we never grew to know who she was) provides his/her perspective. Still, I definitely enjoyed the story overall.
Conta apagada chapter 23 . 11/11/2014
great story ... loved reading
Rachel chapter 23 . 11/9/2014
I really enjoyed reading this story. Thanks so much for writing it! You did a marvelous job.
Belle453 chapter 23 . 11/6/2014
I can't believe this story has ended. It's been my favorite one to read and I don't even like Lydia...;)...but I love the Lydia you've transformed. And I've been in love with Fret for ages so I don't even have to tell you how awesome he is.

Sorry this review is going to jump around a little...

One of the things I've loved most about this story (and your other story) is your unique, creative way of getting your point across. It's very refreshing to see a great story told in non-conventional ways. And this letter at the end is another one of your unique/creative/refreshing style. Love the way one chapter/letter shows 50 years of their lives. Love the woman Lydia turned into. You did a very good job showing the childish/bratty Lydia - it came through in her voice/thoughts. Those same thoughts/voice in her journal entries showed a slow transition into a mature woman who still kept some of her silliness/childish ways. Because I'd hate to think Lydia is no longer anything like she was. Her "maggotting" everyone is proof of that. Loved that part.

Thank you also for showing a glimpse of the Darcys and Bingleys. I love that the next gen Darcy married next gen Fret and this letter is to their offspring.

Love that Lydia (the 2nd) married Robert Spade...yay! Now those two families are connected too.

Thank you for writing this wonderful story. Good luck with the time-off from writing. I don't think you'll have much clean up to do on either story. They're great as they are. Good luck publishing the stories, please let me know when you do...I will buy a copy for sure.
Belle453 chapter 22 . 11/6/2014
Yay...twins! Love it. Love their little family.
Belle453 chapter 21 . 11/6/2014
Love, love, love the letters to Mrs. Adams. Yay the baby is here. I'm glad it's a girl, but I would not have been upset if it was a boy. Even though I hate the thought of Wickham's child as Fret's heir, its not the child's fault. And what if Fret would've adopted the child without knowing the parentage? I wouldn't have been mad at you for it.
Belle453 chapter 20 . 11/6/2014
The duel was very exciting to read and I love the way you wrote it. Glad that idiot finally got what he deserved. I hate what he did to AMy and justice was finally served. Though I hate what happened to Amy, I am happy to see Jonathan was around for Lydia and they both really did fall in love with each other.
JRB chapter 23 . 11/4/2014
My dear author, you have ended your beautiful little tale quite perfectly. I am so looking forward to reading your future work-and perhaps becoming more familiar with the Fret family and their assorted cousins! Thank you for this lovely story.
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