Reviews for But Even With My Eyes Closed I Still See You
Starwarsrocks61 chapter 3 . 11/10/2015
This is an amazing story! I always wondered what the Skywalker family would be like if Anakin hadn't turned and I feel like you got the characters perfectly. Maybe you could fast forward a few years when Luke and Leia are old enough to train and have Anakin or one of the twins get hurt on a mission. Anyway love the storyd, keep up the good work!
sailorsweetie chapter 3 . 6/5/2015
Aww this is so cute! I can't wait to see where you go with this! :) hmm your asking for ideas for the next chapter... Maybe as Anakin is still recovering from his injuries. The Skywalker family gones on a small vacation to Naboo.
starflyergirl chapter 2 . 8/7/2014
Ah, I love it! So cute, and I was smiling the whole time that I read this :)
ako94 chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Thank you so much! yeah they're too cute to have everyone split up and stuff.
jeck chapter 2 . 8/6/2014
tumblr has affected me greatly whenever I masochistically read fluffy fanfics like this because I automatically see the gif of Adele with the caption: "We could have had it aaaaaaalll."

I'm interested in seeing what you do with this, even if it just makes me more depressed about what actually happens in canon.