Reviews for Honest Trailers: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
This was hilariously accurate! You have a knack for this.
veronica.toon.7 chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
LOL. that was pure brilliance. I personally think that Vitani and Kovu aren't even related to Scar. My theory is that Zira had Nuka through Scar, but Scar saw him as a pathetic heir and so he needed a new successor. So I'm thinking that Zira stole Vitani and Kovu from there mother and then raised them as her own. Think about it, if Zira was really Kovu's mother, than why doesn't Kovu have more of her traits, besides her black Outlander nose? And for Vitani, she has a pink nose while Zira's and Scar's are just black, meaning unless one or more parents had the recessive gene, then there is no way that either could b related to Scar and/or Zira.
VenustheMarvelTurtle chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
wolfbytes99 chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
I can't tell u how funny and accurate this was! Well done!
ThatTexasKid chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
Mommy Dearest as Zira was the funniest think I've read in a while.
TMNTTLK lover chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
this is really funny. And accurate too. Good job
WTF123 chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Nice work as usual, I'm glad to hear this was just for good fun. Judging by the way Honest Trailers did their actual Lion King episode after yours, I'm almost glad they haven't covered The Lion King II yet. I don't doubt for a second that they'd show it absolutely no mercy at all, but in a far more mean-spirited way than this. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if they actually did an episode on it, your version here would be so much better than theirs. Just like with your first one.

I liked the touch where you addressed Kovu as "Emo Max Goof", that's a funny way to reference Jason Marsden's other most well known role. Going into this, I was also expecting some kind of stab at Andy Dick for doing the voice of Nuka, but there was none. I can commend that, since most people who make fun of this film have poked at that more than once. (Heck, even I'm guilty of this). Nice job doing something different in that respect.

I found myself laughing at the parts about Shakespeare, that's exactly the kind of thing Honest Trailers would do by calling it a "rip off" of Romeo and Juliet. (Even though Darrell Rooney himself said flat out that it was the direct inspiration for the story). I liked the parts where you pointed out how they didn't take sleeping pills, write letters or any of the other human activities from the play. (I'm surprised you didn't point out how Romeo and Juliet had sex after only knowing each other for 12 hours while Kiara and Kovu didn't, meaning they had more chemistry and time to develop their love than the actual R&J did. But I digress). All of a sudden I'm imagining Kovu just suddenly writing letters to Kiara like a human would, I'd pay momey just to see and laugh at that.

And speaking of Kiara, while I wish you could've worded how she acted a little differently, I'm glad you didn't just go all out and scald her throughout the whole thing like others would. The poor girl's already had way too many verbal (or physical if we're talking fan art) beatings that she doesn't deserve, so thanks for not completely shattering her in this.

All in all, this is really good stuff. It's certainly much more careful in its approach than Honest Trailers would be. They have a history of tearing sequels a new one when it isn't necessary in the slightest (See their Matrix episode for proof), so I'd actually prefer for it to just stay as this writing. Your first Honest Trailer for TLK was far superior to the real thing, and I already know that if they ever cover TLKII, that statement will apply to this too. It's like when someone makes a really sub-par movie adapted from a great book, or in this case, a significantly inferior video to a great fanfic. (Not to say I totally hated the video, a lot of it was indeed funny. But the jokes were overused, too similar to yours, most of it was dedicated to the songs, and of course they went for that tired "Simba and Nala are related" routine. Give me a break).

Still, this is great work. I look forward to seeing how you do with the Honest Trailer for The Lion King 1 1/2, now THAT ought to be interesting.
MontMomo chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Too perfect. I heard the real guy's voice in my head when I read it. This was hilarious.