Reviews for The Last Ones
grace-adalyn chapter 7 . 12/5/2016
This was a beautiful chapter.
TheEleventhTARDIS chapter 5 . 4/7/2016
poor Doctor! you really make me feel his pain!
TheEleventhTARDIS chapter 4 . 3/8/2016
I'm enjoying this story, but just wanted to quickly point out that the Slitheen are not a whole alien race, they're a family. the Slitheen are Raxacoricofallapatorians.
margie-me chapter 15 . 6/17/2015
At last, I've read the ending. Nice touch, but I so wished there was more of the little family. The leaf, though, it's to do with Clara, if I surmise correctly. Elodie was the one who sensed things. Daddy will be taken care of in his past and future.

I thank you.
JessicaWhoCouldEndTheWorld chapter 15 . 1/10/2015
Ok, I just loved this story i am just throwing that out there. It was an emotional roller-coaster of fluff, tears, and action/adventure. In other words, more or less a lot like how DW itself is. It really combines the emotions, and you did this just perfectly! It's rare to see such fine writing on this site too.

Also, your characters were spot-on. Ninth Doctor ALWAYS felt like he was in character & there was never a time he ventured into awkward territory. He didn't feel like the Doc in general, he was just Nine through and through. I also liked how you didn't overdo him too much. Like, lots of authors have Nine say "Fantastic" every other line, but while yes, ok, it was his catchphrase he didn't say it THAT often as some people think. You did have him say "fantastic" but not too often which was nice.

And I just fell in love with the children, also. At 23 I am too young to have kids yet, i'm still in university, but all the same they just felt like realistic children. They were never Marysues like most OCs. Sometimes in AU stories where the Doc has children they make them overly cutesy. You didn't do this. They were cute but not OVERLY, annoyingly cute.

One of my fave stories on this site, 2 thumbs up as a whole :)
Tell me you're still you chapter 15 . 1/9/2015
Aww! I love this!
TheIntelligentDauntless chapter 15 . 1/9/2015
Guest chapter 11 . 1/9/2015
Guest chapter 7 . 1/8/2015
Help I'm fangirling
Guest chapter 5 . 1/8/2015
I cried. This chapter made me cry.
judybear236 chapter 15 . 1/7/2015
Cute story!

Very 'domestic'!
MaryEvH chapter 15 . 1/5/2015
Aaaaawwww! This was so sweet! I'm so glad you decided to write this story. Please, write more on this little trio in the future!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 15 . 1/3/2015
This was definitely quality (: I have really enjoyed this story! Thanks so much for a great one.
Inactive Night chapter 15 . 1/3/2015
This story was a whirlwind of emotions, honestly, and I am so glad you wrote this

There are so many things I could touch on in this review, so I'll just write a section for each part.

You captured the essence of Nine's character so well. There was never a time where I had said "Wait, Nine wouldn't do that!" Every action I read, I could see Christopher Eccleston acting out. There is a sad, dark Doctor called the Ninth Doctor, and you just saw that darkness and brought it out, elaborating it and reeling us in with his beautiful but sad character. The man made of glass captured us all in this fic and I am so impressed by the characterization of Nine.
As for the children, usually, I say no to OC's. Usually, fanfiction authors, when they create their own original characters, I find them unrealistic. They're too strong, too proud, or too sweet or too forgiving. As for Elodie and Ethan, we get to see the children develop and grow. They are children who are forced to become brave. I am really happy to see the development of these children and have them become their own people. They are so brave, but they are believable, that's important. Characters must be believable to be likeable, in my experience, and I love it when they are.

The story flows rather smoothly, even if there are periods where there seems to be nothing going on. We had excitement, we had fluff, we had angst. A perfect combination of all. We touch on all the emotions you want in a story. You laugh, you cry, it moves you.
Event wise, anyway. Even if it's just more mundane events, like going around London or visiting the London Eye. Mundane events, I guess, are a lot harder to flow then exciting events. Because in exciting events, one thing HAS to flow into the other for the story to make sense. As opposed to easy day sort of events, there is a certain way to flow one event into another. Your timeline for this story is so smooth, so rich. I just love it, and I aspire to be able to do that, too. That's one thing I still need to do.

Your writing style is a combination of Libba Bray's and Beth Revis, to me. You show, not tell, but you tell when you must. We don't just see the story, we live in it. We can picture each event and feel the emotions each character has inside. It's just so rich, it's so thickly detailed it's beautiful! I honestly wish I could write like you, my writing, I find, is a little too telly and not showy. Dang, that's not a word.

Stories, sometimes, end up just following the characters, but they don't develop. You made sure not to do that, and brought each character to life. We don't just see Elodie and Ethan brought out of harm's way, we see them challenged, we see them develop more, and become braver and smarter. I'm just proud of these characters, and I am proud of you too. Nine's development in this story from someone who can't find any happiness, to a father who, even though he has his demons, knows he must bring his children up the way he wants to. He has to believe there is happiness left in this world, as opposed to someone who lets the world step all over him.

I literally cannot find a bad word or a criticism to say about this story. All I can say is, my hat is off to you, my dear, dear ami.
Till another wonderful story ahead.
Inactive Night chapter 14 . 1/3/2015
The Man Made of Glass has cracked, hasn't he?

Once again, I compliment you on your realism of the children, and the mental state of the Doctor. His mental state, of course, is on edge. He just committed another genocide, even if it is his worst enemies. You don't get something over that in like, a minute. It's on pure will and strength the Doctor has left to spoil his children. I understand what that's like, honestly. Fighting and pulling to get out of bed and do what you must do. How hard it is. But he does what he must do. The TARDIS is definitely taking a crack at him, forcing him to go out and buy them clothes. Even though the TARDIS is his wife, it's alive too. It has to take care of the Doctor the way he cares for her.

I love the children discovering what Christmas is. It's adorable! I can imagine the children asking the Doctor for christmas carols or christmas trees, and he just HAS to give in. And then, maybe, going carolling and he's like "This is for your kids, Doctor, do it for them!" And then he discovers he has a GREAT baritone voice (I don't know why, though.) And the Doctor giving that girl 50 quid, just to be kind to her. I love that, random acts of kindness. I intend to do something like that one day, help somebody who might really need it, or need something good in their day. It made me laugh when he got stuck in Tesco, completely done with London's busy days.

However, at the end of the story, when they look at the picture of South America, it reminds him, in a way, there are good things left in this world. There are good things in this universe, still. And reminds himself that they deserve to be spoiled, truly. And I love how they're super skeptical when he asks if they want to see the birth of a star. The final line makes me so happy, summing up this story in one perfect sentence.
"The man made of glass typed the coordinates, and off they flew into the vortex, suspended in time and space."
Your true ami,
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