Reviews for The Empty City
MightyDripDrop chapter 12 . 12/5/2019
Totally great story I suprisingly got really invested! I know it's been awhile since you've updated but I really hope you come back! This will always be saved in my favorites because everything was written so well! I felt the anxiety and emotions so easily your writing is pretty amazing! I'm getting ready to move onto your other stuff!
Dylandarling1 chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
I love reading your stories they’re very imaginative and just awesome to read! Thank you for taking time to write and post them!
Guest chapter 12 . 11/4/2017
I love all of your stories! You have a way of making the reader feel as though they are going through all the situations the characters face along with them. Im confused though, what happened to naruto or did i just miss something? I probably did lol im not sure if this is the end of the story but non the less i just wanted to say very well done:)
donthateapreciatexyaoix chapter 11 . 3/12/2017
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yo the range of emotion that I felt with this story just made it 10000x times better. When they felt anxious and paranoid I felt anxious and paranoid. I promise you every time Kakashi was listening for some strange so was I. I was like omfg I hear it go kill it! And when Ikura finally decided to trust i
donthateapreciatexyaoix chapter 12 . 3/12/2017
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this story! Yo the range of emotion I felt with thi
hananotsuki hime chapter 2 . 9/15/2016
Hmmm...I am a little worried about what Kakashi intends to do. I mean, I understand that these are hard times and trust is nonexistent, but if the dude isn't bothering you personally, and he's not touching your wolves, if you don't think he's gonna last long, then let him die on his own. That's just my opinion, though Kakashi's gonna do what he wants, rotfl. I liked how you illustrated Iruka "piecing together a short story only using a person's belongings". Even though that is typically what we do, I honestly had not thought about it in that way. Aaahhh, this was the part I was waiting for! The part with the clicker! It's a tad different from what I remember, but it is AWESOME! On the slick, the part with the dog and the clicker reminded me of that heart-stopping part of I Am Legend in the zombies' sleeping quarters, lol. Ohh, the dog was down bad! Smh, I can't even! Haha, Iruka's funny. Great chapter!
hananotsuki hime chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
I thought I had reviewed this chapter already, but when I didn't see one for me up there, I decided I would post one. _ Wow, I recently read your probably forgot you sent it, lol. Sorry about that. But you did tell me that the story was revised. The beginning is much different than I remember, if I am recalling correctly. Not in a bad way, just different from what I remember. This one has a lot more detail about the surroundings than the last one, it dones't just jump right into the suspense of the story. Though I could be wrong about that, lol. I absolutely loved the library part. I liked it a lot before as well. The library was beautiful. Kind of gave the feel of a couple I have seen in real life and in a couple movies. I guess it came as a somewhat shock to Iruka that the place had not been vandalized. There is great suspense in this story homes! Zombies with intelligence are not a good thing. If I were him, I would have left, knowing I couldn't fight Josie, rotfl. But there wouldn't have been much of a story would there? The start of this story is AWESOME! I'm concerned about what'll happen when Josie finds out he's still there.
MegaAnimeFreak7 chapter 7 . 1/14/2016
Is no one going to talk about your awesome use of Zombie references in this chapter? Zombieland? Dead Rising? I am Legend? Shaun of the Dead? Idk I found it absolutely hilarious that they fought beside them. And in Shaun of the dead and I am Legend they actually found a cure and lived together with the zombies! If they had just stuck around those groups they woulda been fine! Lmao the irony. But whatever, on with the show! XD
solitare1 chapter 12 . 1/7/2016
Wow, I was holding my breath as much as Iruka was. That was absolutely terrifying! Love this story!
Shannon chapter 12 . 1/7/2016
I'd be shitting bricks too, Iruka. But I want more :(
IceInu chapter 12 . 1/5/2016
Ayaka Rain chapter 11 . 11/25/2015
Things that could have happened? I'm actually very interested in that! This story was just so intense. I've been a ghostie this whole time and have finally read the last chapter after weeks. Hehe. I consider this ending a cliff hanger. Is there a spinoff?
jj chapter 11 . 11/2/2015
umm ok nice story but I fell like you could have done so much more with it
Ninjagirl93 chapter 11 . 9/21/2015
Please write a sequel! What happens!?
Shannon chapter 11 . 9/16/2015
More! And sorry it took so long to read it. I've been on a gaming streak of late. And poor Itachi! :(
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