Reviews for Zoop Goes to Middle Earth - Part I
Helliarys chapter 27 . 3/26/2018
Oh my goodness,
That's so excellent!
I wanted to laugh ou loud at every ten lines in every chapter!
Thank you for that :D
1Corinthians 1313 chapter 27 . 7/18/2017
ImpartingAbyss chapter 27 . 6/17/2017
Oh my God you never disappoint! High five!
elaynafinley chapter 27 . 2/20/2017
I laughed so much reading this that my husband asked if I was reading fml. Love what you've done with Shagrat. Can't wait to see how the story develops.
ThePastaDragon chapter 27 . 8/19/2016
Damn it's been a while since I caught up on this story. XD "Fun time singalong with Zoop" is hilarious. I can't wait to read the next bit, yeah?
Vahditar chapter 27 . 5/1/2016
Aaah, your writing always lights mah day. Have to just love what you do with the orcs.
Nandadevi chapter 26 . 4/14/2016
Your dialogue is,as always, amazing. Imagining Frodo, Sam, you, and Ufkoth huddled together arguing about the canonicity of a character, and then Sam piping up how you guys still needa SME. OMG i'm in stitches. This fic is now on the permanent reread list for this conversation alone. That and thescenes with Faramir (I'm on atight budget) lmao!

I hope you let Shag-bash know of their cult following :P
Tibblets chapter 27 . 3/7/2016
Absolutely love the idea of English translating in ME as Black Speech. A stroke of genius! Oh, and by the way, there is absolutely NO version of "Hooked on a Feeling" worth singing...and my wife has always loved Three Dog Night.
chisscientist chapter 19 . 3/3/2016
Zoop has indeed broken the plot.
Guest chapter 27 . 2/27/2016
Still here, still reading, still having great fun :)
annafan chapter 27 . 2/26/2016
Wow - Shagrat as von Stauffenberg. Fab-u-lous! And more of your singing to stun people into silence. (Shagrat is one of my favourites... talking of whom, I assume you are familiar with "Captain of Mordor", which always makes me crack up every time I re-read it?)
annafan chapter 26 . 2/26/2016
Okay, I am woefully behind on reviewing, but here is where I make up for that...

Kung foo fighting! In orcish! (Borys tells me off if I call it black speech). That is a stroke of complete flippin' genius, and I bow before you. And I love the idea that Shagrat's resolve cracks when you tell him you'll start singing again.
Guest chapter 25 . 1/19/2016
This is great! I hope you update more in the near future!
Guest chapter 18 . 6/26/2015
The Dude. "Can you bowl?" You kill me, Zoop! Half the people on the beach turned around to see what was so funny when I started laughing after reading this :)
Tirion I chapter 24 . 3/1/2015
I just caught up with this story, and I like it.
A question though: Am I right to assume there is no compelling Voice magically ordering Orcs about in this 'verse? Good old human(oid) propaganda and indoctrination seems to be the way, at least that's spelled out in the bits concering Isengard and Ufkoth's leash marks here. As for Mordor, even in canon they have a number ID system and officers that gave me a distinct NKVD vibe. Also, no tactical retreats in Pellenor Field can be seen as a combination of stupid "fight to the last Orc" orders and troops tasked with killing "deserters", Commissar (either Soviet or Warhammer40k) style.
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