Reviews for The Honoured Guest
Yamajiji chapter 73 . 7/20
This turned out to be one of my favorite Naruto fanfics ever. Your writing is fantastic, and the character development of your characters, Naruto and Hinata in particular, is incredible. Im a bit sad you never got around to writing the sequel, but after reading something this good I can’t really complain. Thank you for writing this
Yamajiji chapter 55 . 7/20
Ayo wtf? You even got poor Choji dude. Fuck. I really respect you, most authors don’t dare kill off characters like you’ve done. And now these guys are fucked.
Yamajiji chapter 54 . 7/20
You scared me a little with Kiba and Lee, but I’m happy things turned out.
Yamajiji chapter 52 . 7/20
Shino didn’t deserve that dude. Fuck. I hope Sasuke gets some karma further down the line. I’m thinking Kakashi won’t die from the ambush, and Tayuya will probably spare Sakura. Great chapter as always.
Yamajiji chapter 51 . 7/20
You are a really good writer. The way you finished off Hiruzen’s character was beautiful. Him being able to say goodbye to everyone, Asuma and Kurenai included, and then sacrificing himself for Naruto was the perfect way for him to go. And on what he said at the end, I can only asume either Obito or Danzo were the ones who interfered during the original sealing.
Yamajiji chapter 49 . 7/20
Fuck that scene with Asuma and Hiruzen really hit hard. Had me in tears. Great writing.
Yamajiji chapter 32 . 7/19
Wow. You did something only great authors can do, you made me care about an OC. I even teased up with that last scene with Haruki. I loved the fact that you killed of Kabuto, since he was more of a pest than a good villain. I wonder why Orochimaru would want Hinata, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. This is turning into one of my favorite stories here in this website.
Yamajiji chapter 9 . 7/19
Just started reading this and I have to say, its really good.
Guest chapter 73 . 7/15
Such a good story. Hoping for a sequel.
PrimeEmperor chapter 10 . 7/8
in this chapter,, more like Naruto X Kurinei
PrimeEmperor chapter 9 . 7/8
i also agree, Sasuke and Naruto friendship was bullshit! i rather say naruto X Sasuke
PrimeEmperor chapter 4 . 7/7
i hope you make naruto more rasional! why he like the village if 90% population not like him.. sigh
PrimeEmperor chapter 1 . 7/7
if you want more realistic i hope you not too power up youngster,,
Guest chapter 8 . 6/4
Was pretty interesting up until chapter 8. Story quality took a huge hit. Entire wave arc crammed into one chapter made it feel stilted and rushed. Dialogue was awkward but was otherwise okay. The weird pacing of both the wave arc and Narutos really sudden transference from being an awkward child that doesnt trust others to a significantly darker personality that fought and lost a battle against his inner demon regarding his humanity is majorly off putting. Theres practically no reference to the Kyuubi talking to Naruto until they're about to get the mission to wave. Felt like the chapter was rushed, kinda killed the story for me (especially since chapter 9 wasnt really up to snuff with the previous chapter either).
jjasonbornn chapter 2 . 5/23
The irony is that he raised his child the same way after his wife died.
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