Reviews for Avenging Angel
feartheseraph chapter 23 . 12/9/2018
Does anyone know if this book is being continued?
crimson.blood.witch chapter 31 . 10/14/2017
I hope you updated soon
TMNinjaGinga chapter 31 . 5/9/2017
Please say you're going to finish this at some point?

I read Supernova in one day and am looking forward to the next update, but it wasn't now I've found this little treasure and I'm completely hooked! :/ Please don't leave us hanging forever!
CalmingHurricane chapter 31 . 2/6/2017
Omg! I don't even know if you'll read this, but still, please continue the story! I really want to see how Latya and James work together, and how will the rest of the team react to him?... please update!
KnowInsight chapter 31 . 1/31/2017
Lovely story and while I'd love to see more of it i understand not all stories can be finished. I'm really enjoying supernova though.
LittleMissBeth96 chapter 31 . 1/21/2017
Please please please say you'll start updating this story again! Love all of your stories but this has left me hanging! Xx
pwacaviesrcool chapter 31 . 12/14/2016
You need to update
Winter262 chapter 29 . 10/10/2016
Mitch chapter 31 . 9/28/2016
Is there going to be more chapters? This is the best fan fiction I'be read.
Shmop chapter 16 . 9/12/2016
(The last previous comment was for chapter 15)
Shmop chapter 15 . 9/12/2016
Hello! I love this fanfic. Totally amazing. I don't know if anyone else posted a comment but as a Russian speaker, I just wanted to say that nemnogo means "a little bit" or "not much" the correct word to use would be malen'kiy it would have the same meaning as 'little one' or in your case 'little electronic'
Hope this comment was useful!
abstract0118 chapter 31 . 9/4/2016
Hey :) I absolutely loved this story. Really good plot and I love the Clintasha war that is going on between them. Are you going to continue this story? Because I really hope you do!
DredgenVale chapter 31 . 6/3/2016
Yay! Love it! However much clueless Clint is annoying, XD. Katya is lovable! :D I hope you update soon!
DredgenVale chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Holy god, ow. My chest! ;~; Why?! Why do you amazing authors do this?! It's so freaking SAD! ;~; This is the kind that just makes me cry... The moments where the authors capture the feeling so well during a near-death scene...

With tears, I'm going to pronounce you one of the best authors I've ever had the chance to read. Congrats, one chappie in and already I love it.

Off to read the next chappie!
BitterSweet256 chapter 31 . 4/25/2016

this is torture cmon, i love this whole bucky and katya stuff, and clint does need to get his shit together.
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