Reviews for Teach Me to Live
AnotherSilentObserver chapter 3 . 11/10/2019
Oh my word, this is so sad! And so well-written, with the attention to detail that makes your stories a delight to read for the period-minded. I like the idea that the Chagnys would have had a child of their own. And I also liked the slight suspense in the first chapter - you kept me guessing as to whether Gustave would force Raoul's hand - and whether Raoul would have it - till the last moment.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/21/2017
It is 11:45 now and I am crying my eyes out.
Violonaire chapter 3 . 2/4/2017
I find it amazing how, without even knowing it, I sometimes found ideas that I write into others stories. I mean, I have one scene in my story where Raoul, full of passion, describe to Christine happy future dreams where they could had a girl called Elisabeth.

I was really thinking Anne was Raoul's mistress. The ending is beautiful. Thank you again for that story.
Violonaire chapter 2 . 2/4/2017
I'm curious about Anne, now. But again, I love it ''he needed a drink - needed the oblivion he had learnt to crave. But if he once fell down that slope now he did not think he would ever come back again. ''

That's so powerful.
Violonaire chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
I often wonder, when watching LND, what would happened to Raoul, Gustave and the Phantom. Again, the character's relationship description are pure genius. The rivalty between those two men are still here, more vivid than ever. The relationship between Gustave and Raoul is delightly akward.
Casey chapter 3 . 9/25/2016
Very interesting that they have another child! I'd love to read more.
darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
Just a small disclaimer that I'm partially fandom blind; I've seen Phantom, but I've never seen Love Never Dies. However, I know the story (though I realize there is more than one version of the play).

I really loved how you pick up right where the play ended, and I thought you did a wonderful job portraying Raoul's situation. You beautifully portrayed his pain and regret, and he's regretful of an awful lot of things. I also love how he looks back on his marriage to Christine, and he feels a lot of resentment.

However, a great deal of that resentment is directed inward. He's angry he didn't spend enough time with Christine when she was there, and now that she's gone, he wants her back. And it's the same with Gustave, it seems.

One thing I really loved with Gustave is how you mentioned that Raoul was somewhat resentful of him after he was born, for they were still very newly married, and he wanted his wife to himself. I feel like that's a perfectly normal reaction for a man who didn't expect to be a father so soon; also, you don't really realize how much attention babies need until they arrive.

It also suggests maybe he wasn't quite as attached to Gustave as he might have liked. Certainly, he didn't know until recently that he was not Gustave's biological father, but maybe that resentment was a bit of intuition...him knowing deep down that he wasn't his. And then of course, him referring to Christine's son throughout the piece...

It's actually rather sad, though. Gustave knew him as his father until recently as well, but just because Raoul wasn't his biological father, I'm not sure that makes him any less of one. They still loved each other and Raoul loved him as if he were his own. Also, people raise children who aren't biologically theirs all the time; one doesn't need blood to be a family, but I also realize this was a different time, so the mindset may have been different.

Regardless, Raoul loves Gustave so much that he's letting him go with his real father and will quite possibly never see him again. Again, you portray Raoul's angst beautifully. I'm not sure I could do that if I had known and raised a child for a decade, so I commend him for doing so.

One thing I wasn't a huge fan of is how cold you made the Phantom seem. I understand he and Raoul are rivals, and it's been almost twenty years since I've seen the play, so maybe the way he acts is canonical, but I just expected a bit more sympathy from him towards Raoul. Yes, I realize that he and Raoul are enemies, but you'd think he'd be grateful that he took care of Christine and his son for a decade and that he was now letting him take the boy and raise him for the rest of his life. In that same regard, though, Raoul is cold to him because he's resentful for everything Erik's taken from him.

Of course, your goal may have been to show that both men are so distraught and upset over Christine's death that they cannot think clearly or rationalize nor can they have sympathy for one another, in which case, you definitely showed that. I personally would have liked to have seen a bit of an understanding come between the two, but it's far too early for that.

Though they were brief, I really adored Raoul's moments with Gustave, especially at the end where Gustave asked if his mother was an angel now. That was so sad and a very valid question from many children who lose a close loved one, and of course, Raoul cannot say anything other than yes. Ah, the Angel of Music bit was so perfect, and I love that he couldn't say it but will let Erik do it instead.
As an Erik fan, I will say you definitely made me sympathetic to Raoul's plight. Mind you, I didn't dislike him, but I was always rooting for Erik over Raoul in Phantom. Here, I see where maybe Raoul isn't as bad as I thought. You clearly show how much he loved Christine and Gustave, so a man like that cannot be so bad. I'm still an Erik/Christine fan, but you made me appreciate the other side, so to speak.

The ending was very well done, with Gustave saying his goodbyes to Raoul and then taking the hand of his real father. It was so very poignant and bittersweet all at once, and I really enjoyed this (I'd also be interested in reading the rest at some point and time). Well done! :)


"Father dear-"Father, dear

days, and still he heard-days, and still, he heard

Father dear, play—Father, dear, play

father, father-Father, Father

when he had not she had-when he had not, she had

cared what Society might—Is there a reason why 'Society' is capitalized?

his, and believed—I personally wouldn't put a comma here.

So would Mr. Y: it was the sole unspoken-So would Mr. Y; it was the sole unspoken

Not drink: not this time.-Not drink; not this time.

Even before these last few years they'd both known- Even before these last few years, they'd both known

And "Raoul" plain and simple was an intimacy- . And "Raoul", plain and simple, was an intimacy

Both of them had reverted unthinking to the baby talk-Both of them had reverted, unthinking, to the baby talk

Gustave was wanted here; very much wanted.-Gustave was wanted here, very much wanted.

The man was wealthy and to all appearances successful.-The man was wealthy and, to all appearances, successful.

plaything, and every whim—This comma seems unnecessary.

so much as setting eyes on her wrenched guilty places in his soul he'd thought numb beyond repair.-I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something here. I'd read this sentence several times over, and it seems confusing to me. I'd personally cut out a few words and write it as this: so much as setting eyes on her wrenched guilty places in his soul numbed him beyond repair. If that's not what you were going for, might I suggest a reword?

Oh God—Oh, God

resonant, and as hatefully—I wouldn't put a comma here.

And between them they'd brought-And between them, they'd brought

Around them heads had turned-Around them, heads had turned

and for a moment they'd found-and for a moment, they'd found

all he could think now at the last was that—It seems to me there's a missing word here.-all he could think now at the last moment (or minute or second or something to that effect) was that

Let him play father and mother both-Let him play Father and Mother both

Debts mounted; and he would be-Debts mounted, and he would be

would have done, and stepped back-would have done and stepped back
rohanyoshi chapter 3 . 2/4/2015
Who is Anne? Raoul's and Christine's?
Wild Concerto chapter 3 . 9/13/2014
I really liked the interaction between Raoul and Groscek: the latter really didn’t say much, but I think he helped Raoul by his simple comprehensive silence…

And oh my god.


First of all, such a lovely name.

So Raoul and Christine did have a child after Christine had Gustave…

So much for trying to prove to us Raoul is infertile in every way possible, Andrew Lloyd Webber.

And oh gosh.

I’ll simply tell you that I had tears in my eyes at the end of this story.

So Raoul won’t be alone after all…

And then I starting sobbing, when I realized that if it wasn’t for Christine sleeping with the Phantom, Gustave would have probably never been born, Raoul and Christine would have maybe started having children later, when they were ready for it, and their story would have turn out quite differently…

I think I need help in my POTO obsession.

And hey, I’ve seen why you’ve been asking me about the breakfast and everything… ;)

But I do wonder: was Anne more Raoul’s child and Christine more Gustave’s child? Was the relationship Raoul had with Anne similar to what Christine had with Gustave, and did it separate them a bit more? And I also wonder how Gustave and Anne went along… but that’s a detail.

But gosh, plot bunny attack: I think things would have turned out quite differently if Anne did come…
emeraldphan chapter 3 . 9/6/2014
That was a very original twist regarding Anne and I am so glad that Raoul has something of himself left in this world. It was very moving when she tried to reassure him that Maman would be home soon. Her grief will be very different to Raoul's of course, and being so young she will need him to be strong for her. Hopefully he will not distance himself from her and they can support each other as Anne gets older.
There will always be regret for Raoul, and you conveyed this perfectly with Raoul leaning against her coffin during the train journey and trying to ask her advice. So many "what ifs" and "if onlys" for him now.
Beautifully written and so melancholic.
Wild Concerto chapter 2 . 9/5/2014
Dear me: I think that if LND would have ended up logically (with Christine going after Raoul instead of Gustave), I really think the two of them really did need a vacation. You know, to sort things out without Erik blackmailing around… But again, Gustave clinging after Christine, and Christine just giving back all her attention to her son… Fatal error. And somehow, I just can’t help thinking of Erik who wanted Christine for him and only for him… Of course, I’m not saying Gustave is being “possessive”, but still… strange connection.

But did you know that in the original LND, we had the Phantom taking out the same ring Christine gave him in the Final Lair and putting it at her finger when she died? ;)

But dear me, Raoul seems really close to suicide, and I really wonder who will help him, now…
Captain Silence chapter 2 . 8/30/2014
I really like this so far. You've got a firm grim on these characters - I can definitely tell. I look forward to reading more! :)
emeraldphan chapter 2 . 8/30/2014
I was so happy to see another chapter for this story. It's brilliantly written, as ever, with detailed, vivid descriptions of the journey home, a very different journey to the outward one. It was lovely to read about the little holiday they took together a few years previously - a return to their childhood summers of fun and innocence. It's hard to say whether those memories will be a comfort or a torture for him in the days ahead though; he has something to cling to but also he will be reminded of the old days and how things were before Erik came into their lives.
You've described his immediate shock very well and the image of him standing alone on the pier is very poignant and evocative. Such a melancholic piece but you've clearly worked hard on it.
And this Anne sounds like an interesting twist... Looking forward to learning more about her...
Wild Concerto chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
So here it is: your last LND story… or is it? *out*

I really love how Raoul is still trying to convince himself by little memories that Christine loved him and was certainly going to go back home with him. It reminds me of generals in wars who, in their memories, can’t remember exactly what orders were given and when, but they do remember, in the general trauma, really insignificant gestures like taking their coat off and then putting it back on. Because, well, if you look at the final scene in LND… well, the way Christine says things seemingly leads us to believe she would have stayed with the Phantom…

And also… well, I don’t see Gustave calling Raoul other than Father. Because, well, I always say that while Erik is Gustave’s father, Raoul is Gustave’s papa.

And the goodbye scene between Raoul and Gustave is just heartbreaking: Raoul promises Gustave to come back while he knows that it will probably never happen, and Gustave, in his childish innocence, really does believe Raoul. And he hesitantly puts his hand in the hand of the man he has been assigned to stay with, while you can feel that Gustave actually didn’t have his word to say and seemingly prefers going back home… And meanwhile, the Phantom “basks in his glory”, and I see him having a hollow laugh at the idea that most people who have seen Love Never Dies will cry on his tragedy, and that no one even cares for the Vicomte, more shameful than ever… He is genuinely heartbroken about Christine, but for this moment, the satisfaction of destroying the Vicomte for good is clearly dominating.

But I’ll tell you one thing: I’m actually surprised Erik accepts that Raoul, and only Raoul, gets to accompany Christine’s body to France. Unless it’s a final attempt to make him miserable: while he gets the child, the Vicomte gets nothing more than a soulless corpse…
Nicole chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
Like you, I am a great Raoul/Christine phan. Beautifully written! I hope you'll continue, as I am most anxious to see what happens next to the Vicomte De Chagny.
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