Reviews for To the Lost
Selena92 chapter 1 . 9/5/2019

Though also sort of sad, him lying there all alone, hallucinating for most of it. I love Gai coming to the rescue...would have loved a bit more GaiKaka interaction, too, but this is still great ;-)
Hime-Kagura chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
v sad but also cute. i love the subtle kaka/gai at the end. thank you for this!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
BeanQueen17 chapter 1 . 9/7/2018
Sad but in a cute way, 5 stars!
Kakashiisawesome12345 chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Very touching. :)
bartlettpear chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
I like to think that Kakashi really did get to see his mother. She's lovely and lovely and funny, a wonderful portrayal. Kakashi's smile at seeing Bai gave me a feeling of content. Thank you for writing 3
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
CampionSayn chapter 1 . 11/14/2014

Okay that thing at the top about the swollen tongue and the mouth full of meat made me want to get sick, but that's good detail and attention to the story, so good for you.
L Mono chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
Woah this was so sweet. I loved how you showed Kakashi's mum that was very sweet and so soft.
Kariko Emma chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
This is beautiful. Well done.

sundes2013 chapter 1 . 8/26/2014

You know I have been thinking about Kakshi's mom, wondering what she's like ( cause I am thinking about featuring her in my fic *cough*). We still have to yet see her and Kishi will probably show his mom, well hopefully.

After I read this, I realized that through out the Naruto series, the presence of mothers ( like Naruto's) create some sort of impact on their kids. Like when Kushina talked to Naruto and Gaara's dad told his son about his mother, both of their attitude shifted.. in a good way( Naruto and Garaa became very emotional aww). Because mothers love their kids in the end, and if the kids can feel their love, it kinda make them feel that they are important and precious ( well, of course if they are good mothers). And also mothers ( and fathers of course) teach their kids important lessons about life, like Kushina did to Naruto. And I think it would be good to see that in the canon, for Kakashi to meet his mother ( like Naruto did).

And what the mother in your tale taught Kakashi is that to keep your comrade close, to live each day with them with gratitude, which is a good advice for someone like Kakashi.

I also like you mention about the concept about the relationship between time and wounds. That is a good quote to keep in mind.

Finally, featuring Gai in the end is perfect. I mean, Gai always have been there for him.

Sorry, if I am rambling too much or if my sentences don't make sense. :P

-Thanks for sharing! :)
MadroxMR chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Sweet! I love the idea of Kakashi's mom saving and having to woo the famed 'White Fang'. It's a great idea that sort of flies in the face of the typical shonen style. I also liked her appearance in this, as she is a character that hasn't (to my knowledge) been introduced. I loved the line that time doesn't heal all wounds, that you just get used to some until you move a certain way and there they are again. There is a certain truth to that; some losses just don't fade and Kakashi seems the type to hold on to his pain. All in all a cute story told with your classic excellent characterization.
tineyninja chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Aww very sweet :)
harvestangel99 chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Prescripto13 chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
Kakashi's conversation with his mother was very touching!