Reviews for FNAFMF
RIP chapter 3 . 4/3/2016
dragondonavin chapter 3 . 2/29/2016
can you do more i love this story its sooooooo cool
Myra the Dovahkiin chapter 3 . 1/4/2016
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
LunarisDraconis chapter 3 . 7/12/2015
seems pretty good
FireFox Vixen chapter 3 . 4/29/2015
grandshadowseal chapter 3 . 1/15/2015
haha! this is actually pretty good! are you going to continue it?
Corrisma chapter 3 . 12/19/2014
there's dead bodies bak there u
I just know it u XD lol
all they want is Mike to join them eue

one of us! one of us! one of us! : 3
MasterDarkElf chapter 3 . 11/30/2014
Guest chapter 3 . 11/14/2014
Wait...that's it was so good. Please continue.
Sp1r1t chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
I like this a lot! And for the people who said that they might be too nice, I will try not to be rude, but we really don't know there personalities, so we can't really tell if they're hostile or not. Either way, great story.
jayswing96 chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
Interesting. Will there be more?
arianamarie.valdez chapter 3 . 9/15/2014
Love it plz update
Wolfy chapter 3 . 9/11/2014
Oh man oh man! This is really awesome so far! I was wondering if there'll be more...? :3 I like where this is headig and I was curious if there's be like... Any adventures or things. Like what if a person really did break in? Or what if Mikedidnt go there one day and they all were curious. He disappeared for a week and they started getting worried? Oh man, sorry for my rambling, but this is so good so far and I also love the writing style. Keep it up! :D
Sorrowful Cheshire chapter 3 . 9/11/2014
awe cute but i was hoping the other animatronics would be more hostile oh well

looking forward to chapter 3
Sorrowful Cheshire chapter 2 . 9/11/2014
Awe I like this i will love to see this story through
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