Reviews for What if?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
Well what can I say romantic
genesicgaogaigarvsgodgundam chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
crimson vanishin chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Great story better then mist would do
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Hey I hope this isn't a one-shot Because its a good story and I think u should continue it
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2014
cloudedend chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
Nice story. Though I gotta ask, what volume/chapter/episode number are you referring to in the description?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
That was very good. Great job.
LasbAuthorArtist chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
Wow, an piece of honest work. I like the outlook on their relationship and I'm glad that I'm the first to express my opinions through a review for this story.

It was neatly done, although trailing off in the end, you did an excellent job combining all the goodness from the anime into an interesting one-shot. Did you have to quote the anime? Or was it that you did some research? What ever you did just improves my vision of the hard work that you put in to writing this.

As an author I've read the Highschool DxD light novels 12 times! 12! I still can't develop a nice long story yet, but it's hard work that moves things along. You hit the mark on this one, and I can say that you're on the right track with this, above all else. (Hopefully 3rd season of anime is good! Can't wait to see Kuroka!)

Now for some constructive critism. The grammar in this story needs work, it may be a good idea to read your work out loud and see if it makes sense to you. Not trying to seem arrogant or patronising, just giving advice. Now I can see a few holes in your work where the story seems like canon then it goes to something different. Painfully so, I can see where you've changed up the layout of the text unintentually. I can't really explain it, but try to write the entire story in a way that seems right to you. It's just, when I'm reading this I can see the direct change between canon and fanfic. What I mean is, it looks like someone has pasted the story directly from a site, then added their two cents and called it a story. Try to make it your own... Include descriptions, what you think the characters would feel like, what you would like them to think. (It's your story after all) I can tell you that no-one wants to read a pasted story... but as it's your first time I congratulate you on your efforts.

In the end it was a nice read, short, sweet and one of the more interesting one-shots I've read. Challenge: You've had time to analyse the other characters, why not find a way for Koneko and Issei to hook up, based on the information you've seen from the anime. Maybe even Ravel? Good luck on your next projects and know that you have some support. I'll be eagerly awaiting more stories from you.
P.S If you need any help with the functions on the site don't be afraid to ask, and if you need a second opinion on your work when you're unsure send me a PM. I'm on this site everyday looking for new fics to read.

Until then...
Cya in the next chapter... LasbAuthorArtist.