Reviews for A Need For Memories
expecto patronum chapter 45 . 7/2
expecto patronum chapter 44 . 7/2
Adding who should be speaking does hep a lot
Expecto Patronum chapter 38 . 7/1
Now that you wrote about the deatheaters leading the attacks,I am wondering about the same thing too!
acmcnabb chapter 42 . 5/29/2019
You still haven't had them explain their 5th year. you started but then Neville came and it stopped. so all they know about it is the few bits they've told and heard from the story... otherwise loving it! can't wait to see regulus react to news that he turned his back on voldemort, and I love that you didn't just throw him in and have him turn to light asap.
EmrysLover1215 chapter 12 . 9/24/2018
One thing that always pissed me off is how people immediately bashed Tom Riddle for leaving Merope when she was pregnant. It's never really addressed but what she did to him counts as rape. She drugged him then had sex with him. And it wasn't a one time thing obviously. He was raped, he wasn't going to stay with the woman who raped him anymore than a woman would stay with her rapist. He had every right to leave her and the child he never had a choice in, just as a female rape victim has every right to give up her rapists child or even get an abortion. I don't blame him in the least for leaving her
BlackGryphon101 chapter 43 . 8/15/2018
I just found this story again and remembered how much I liked both when Orchidtani had originally wrote it and you ended up continuing it you did a really good. I was surprised and delighted it was still up because a lot of other good 'reading the books fics' had gotten pulled down. Are you still planning on continuing it I especially would love to see how the characters reaction to Kreature's tale and Regulus's fate and of course the 'The Prince's Tale"
Diademe chapter 43 . 4/5/2018
Hey you :)
I stumbled upon your story once again ... Sadly not updated ... Is there any hop left, or did you abandon the story? :(
I wish you the very best!
maana999 chapter 43 . 1/2/2017
This kind of feels like the worst clifhanger EVER.
I really like this story.
It's not to difficult to follow if you have the book next to you, so... :D
The reason I don't like this clifhanger is simple, though.
I LOVE Regulus. I think he is the REAL hero of Slytherin.
He gave up a lot just to make sure that Voldy was a bit closer to dying.
He truly would do anything to acomplish his goal. Even die to get it done.
I hope that you're going to continue this, because I loved it. I will follow the story, so I'll see, I supose.
WizardingWhovian chapter 43 . 12/28/2016
Oh, also forgot: explaining 5th year; could you please do that.
WizardingWhovian chapter 43 . 12/28/2016
I don't have an account (sorry, I'm not allowed to have one), though I'd like to comment.

This is really great! I like how you have Regulus not automatically on the "light" side, but will have him eventually there. I like your interactions between everyone, though I would like more Neville. Could you maybe bring Teddy (older, like 5th year maybe) and Remus in, or would that be too many people? I wish you would update sooner.

One other thing, in "The Wedding," you made an asterisk to comment on something talking about Teddy and being a werewolf, but you didn't comment. Why is that? Was the asterisk a mistake, or did you forget? If you just forgot, please add it.

Sorry for rambling on about this. If you didn't read it all, that's fine.
maana999 chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Yes, I do think you have a point there.
I do think it is rather unfair that the books they have been given give false instructions though.
I don't like Snape, but I AM impressed by how good he must be if he is able to correct potions like that.
maana999 chapter 2 . 11/21/2016
TWO books?
I guess I'll learn when I read?
wickedcml chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
I'm so very happy that you continued the story
acmcnabb chapter 43 . 6/11/2016
Really enjoying it! But are you going to have them explain what happened in 5th year? Cuz every time u start it, either someone comes in or they say wait one or two more chapters...
Diadem chapter 43 . 5/31/2016
I'm really sorry it took me so long, but I had a lot of work to catch up, plus thinking about your offer (with handling my personal e-mail adress etc.).
I would be absolutely delighted if you sent me the chapters as you proposed in your answer. All the ones that you have finished yet and the future ones?
To solve the problem with the privacy, I decided to draw (or is it "set up"?) up a new e-mail adress. It is for you - and only for you! (I know it's being shown publicly, but that's for everyone - beside SailorMartin3 - who is reading this! It's absolutely pointless to send me a Spam or whatever, as it is only being used for this matter!)*extremely stern looking*: Well, anyway, it is: .
And again: Thank you so much! :DD Did I delay the new post? If that is the case, sorry to all other readers!

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