Reviews for The Candidate
Jacquisbox chapter 735 . 3/29
What a phenomenal story! You're a great writer and I just loved this whole story. Thank you for your writing and for all the hard work that went into this amazing story. I never wanted it to end. The way you write about love - love between lovers, spouses, sisters, friends, child and parent - it's so honest and raw and shows the truest meaning of what those relationships should and could be. So inspiring! Please don't ever stop writing! I'm a huge Olitz fan and you've given me such great joy to read your stories. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Keke TheGoddess chapter 8 . 3/14
Hot Dan I feel like I'm watching seasons one and two of scandal. This story is so good.
Keke TheGoddess chapter 2 . 3/14
I already have the name Carrie ugh!
Guest chapter 428 . 9/9/2019
I know this story has been completed and done for years, but I had to comment on this.

It’s a common misconception but Godparents are not guardians if the parents pass before the child(ren) is/are of legal age. They only guide them in their Religious education. You have to name who you want to raise/care for your children in your will or those that want to raise them will have to file for custody and the court will decide.
Ofanforever chapter 735 . 8/1/2019
This is by far the best Olitz fanfiction that I have ever read. I love how Olivia and Fitz love each other, and the love and spirituality shown by Olivia’s family. The devotion and loyalty that they have for one another is so beautiful. Especially between Olivia, Ellie, and Zoe. And the way that love, loyalty, and strength is shown from one generation to the next. I could go on and on. Please continue to write. You are truly talented.
Ofanforever chapter 640 . 7/31/2019
Ok, I understand that this story is a few years old, so I hope it’s not too late to get an answer to my question. What did Drew do to cause him to need Olivia’s services? I mean it’s a long story,which I absolutely love ), but I know I didn’t read anywhere yet what he actually did.
Guest chapter 436 . 6/15/2019
Again I have to tell you how much I love this story. Especially the religious touch. It has me all in my feelings. I’m not a religous person. But it makes me think about approaching a lot of things differently. That’s what good FanFiction can do to a person. H
Guest chapter 14 . 6/8/2019
Just discovered this story and I love it. I like how you build the tension between Olivia and Fitz. A Pageturner ‘pur sang’ it is. So, I’m going back to reading. Just wanted to let you know how much I love this.H
piglet873 chapter 279 . 2/16/2019
i think Liv gave in to quickly... i dont trust friends who say they are jealous, thats dangerous
fortula chapter 735 . 4/26/2018
This was an amazing story! I truly loved every minute of reading it. The since of family was beautifully done. Thank you.
Guest chapter 402 . 2/21/2018
I am in shock! Georgia and Stephen, he shes! Holy crap! This meeting that Liv and Harrison had was beyond deep. This chapter was amazing!
Guest chapter 392 . 2/21/2018
I know I'm not supposed to,but, why am I laughing at Georgia trying to take Stephen out? Damn!
Guest chapter 315 . 2/19/2018
Wow! I have to tell you this story has me on the edge of my seat. I'm scared for Zoe and Drew that they might be pregnant, I pray that Elle and Marcus are done, and I have to admit I'm dying to know what else Lauren did that was serious enough to make Marcus divorce her. And what's going on with this Cynthia Baily person? She's gotta lot of nerve! Amazing job! I can't put this story down.
Guest chapter 211 . 2/14/2018
I just want you to know it's 3:17 am. I've gotten obsessed with this story since I started it. I can't put it down! The main story of olitz is beyond romantic, but the side stories are amazing too. I still can't believe Mellow was scaming people and got 5 yrs. I can't wait to find out the story behind Zoe and Fitz's best friend after he told that man no! This story is beyond good! Thank you.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/7/2018
I truly love this story. This is fascinating. Great job!
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