Reviews for Forgettable
Scoobycool9 and LuckycoolHawk9 chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
I really liked the opening of this piece as it showed that Kuroko was a ghost in life and could just vanish and it comes to show how he viewed the world and how he thought the world viewed him without saying too much. I also liked how he feels that he is responisble for his own death because he should have realized that the car would not know that he was the man there. I also liked his shock as people come to his funeral because it shows that he was wrong and also expresses all their characters. I will admit that the fake-out that he was indeed forgettable was nicely done to transition to his friends visting him because it showed that they cared. I also loved the ending because it shows that he is indeed unforgettable in life.
StormyMonday chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
Hello, I'm Stormy from The Reviews Lounge, Too, and I'm here to give you a shiny, new review!

Sadly, I'm completely fandom blind, so I'm going to approach this review a little differently than what you're probably used to.

Okay so, your first paragraph resonated with me in a huge way. I have gone through pretty much my entire life feeling the exact same way, and despite being fandom blind, I totally got where Kuroko was coming from. This, as well as the style in which you wrote the story, hooked me right away, and I can tell you with complete certainty that doesn't happen often.

So dying suddenly doesn't really make things better, does it? In fact, I can only imagine how that would make everything suck even worse. Because you know, physics in the afterlife are totally screwy, and probably really frustrating.

The next thing I just love to pieces is that you wrote this story from the perspective of a person who had transitioned very abruptly (and violently, in my opinion into Spirit while in a state of...well, depression really. As a card carrying member of the paranormal community, this is one of the saddest ways to go in my opinion, and my first thought was to wonder if Kuroko would be able to let go of the issues he had in life and move on to a more enlightened state, or if that negativity would keep him earthbound. (Negativity is incredibly powerful, especially when you're dead. :/ )

[But he didn't go away...] This was great because you didn't take the easy way out and make Kuroko's feelings of inadequacy go away just because people went to his funeral.

[Oh, he almost forgot that he was dead. No touch.] Yes, so much this! Seriously, this was quite sad. Ask anyone who can communicate with dead people and they'll tell you that being dead is hard, especially at first.

Alright, as much as I adore this little gem of yours, I have to put on my beta hat and do some critiquing because there were some areas I think needed work.

[Kuroko didn't feel any bitter feelings towards anyone because of it.] Having the words 'feel' and 'feelings' in the same sentence is redundant. An easy fix would be to replace 'feel' with 'have' or 'harbor.'

[something he felt he could prove to] This was confusing for me, almost like you forgot something. Prove to whom, exactly? Himself? His friends? The world in general?

[he was slightly disappointed when watching it all.] Since you started this sentence with 'when' it would have been best to replace the second one with 'while.'

[Everyone was grieving over him. He figured because his body was still and not moving was why they could finally pay attention to him.] This just reads as incredibly awkward to me. A little restructuring would take care of that.

:He figured everyone was grieving over him because he was so still. That must be why they were finally paying attention to him.:

[When he was not moving in real life, nobody saw him, even if he was breathing.] This part could be eliminated completely because it basically repeats what you have above.

[very easy to bring to temper.] always did have a quick temper.

(I shortened the excerpt below for the purpose of my review.)

[Everyone seemed to be very upset and silent, even Kagami had fallen silent. He was very surprised at the people that came to his funeral. So many people...that he thought they didn't even know he existed.] Everyone seemed to be very upset, even Kagami had fallen silent. Kuroko was surprised that so many people came to his funeral. So many people...who he thought didn't even know he existed.

[Kuroko watched as the casket got lowered into the ground, he watched as the gravestone got placed.]. the casket /was/ lowered into the ground, and the gravestone placed.

[It was nice place, he could sit underneath the tree that was covering the grave.] It was a nice place where he could sit under the tree that was shading the grave. (Covering' suggests that the tree had actually sprung up through his gravesite. Awkward imagery is awkward...)

[Soon (comma) as the days, weeks, (and) months went by the weeds and vines grew, encircling the gravestone (comma) and his name slowly disappeared beneath all the greenery.]

[Kuroko slumped against the tree, tired from all the waiting for somebody. Just somebody to come and visit him.] Consolidate: tired from waiting for somebody, anybody to come and visit him.]

Minor quibbles aside, I really enjoyed this piece. I found the end to be particularly sad, because even though Kuroko's friends and teammates came to visit him, ultimately he was left in the same state as he'd been in life; feeling forgotten, and waiting to be noticed. My own personal takeaway was that I hoped he wouldn't continue to be tethered to his gravesite, and/or the site where he was hit by the car.

And lastly, because you left things open-ended, I feel like there are several directions you could go if you ever wanted to add another chapter or two to this. Like I said earlier, I'm fandom blind and not terribly interested in sports anime, but I would totally come back to this story if you ever decided to expand it. ;)

Kudos! :)
jackelgull chapter 1 . 8/22/2015
I love how you write Kuroko- the weapon which aids him on the court also isolates him off of it. There is a bitter tragedy to the piece when Kuroko realizes that he is not as forgettable as he thought, that the people he played with and cared about liked him too. I feel that he's always known that in canon, but it is also true that it is not explicitly stated, and that in canon, Kuroko has a fear of being left behind and forgotten. I think the fact that the driver doesn't see him and so hits him, is the sad truth of Kuroko's life- he is invisible to others. It isn't that far fetched that he would have some self esteem issues deriving from that. I like how Midorima says that Kuroko is unforgettable, but I feel it would have been more powerful for fans of the series if Aomine had said it, because while Aomine wasn't Kuroko's very first friend, he was probably his closest, and the one that hurt him the most and left him behind to be forgotten, and he was the one who could forget Kuroko the least. In my opinion it wold have been a little stronger for me if he had been the one to utter the phrase, but having Midorima say it in't bad.
Legendary Biologist chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
Hi, Kat! Saw your work in RLt archives. Fandom blind though.

Started very melancholic. The beginning paragraph, especially the first sentence, gives off the lonely vibes. [Nobody noticed him.] yeah... And then the second paragraph nails the loneliness. Kuroko is like just a small shadow.

The part about the car is very meaningful and perfectly fits what Kuroko thinks about himself throughout the story. Poor Kuroko thinks that he's so forgettable that a car refuses to stop for him.

The funeral scene is very sad. Apparently, Kuroko's friends still care about him. They visit his grave. But what especially gives out so much feels in this story is this line: ["I guess...even I have to admit, Kuroko was rather unforgettable."] This is what Kuroko never knows all this long.

Kuroko's reactions towards that line is also very well done. Shocked, yes. Because he never knows that. But everything is too late. Kuroko is gone, and can never go back again.

Just one little thing: maybe it's just my stylistic preference, but I think there are a few places where the ellipsis (...) can be omitted to make the sentence stronger because it sounds complete, like [Nobody noticed him...] But YMMV on this one.

All in all, a very melancholy piece! Great work! :D
MissScorp chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Hi there! This review is both for your participation in the first ever HT Block Party, but also because you are you and deserve all the fantabulous things! This piece was quite poignant and bittersweet in how it handles Kuroku's death. He imagines that nobody sees him because he's a shadow that can come from out of nowhere, but the truth is that the people who really mattered to him, the friends he imagined would be leaving him behind as they moved onto bigger and better things, always saw him. And they found him to be the one thing that he didn't think he was: unforgettable. It's a lovely and sweet way to represent teammates and friendship and how people deal with the sudden loss of a friend. I also love the way that you start the piece off, by having it be very dark and depressing as Kuroku's reflecting on how he's never noticed but then it becomes lighter and more happy at the end when he realizes he'd never been ignored and had always been seen by those he hadn't thought saw him.

((Nobody noticed him.))- again, the fact that Kuroku's belief is that nobody sees him speaks well as to how he sees himself. In his mind ((He was silent, small, and observing.)) He's not easily discernible and can easily blend into the walls because you can't see a virtual ghost unless it wants to be seen. That ((It didn't really matter to him if people saw him or not,)) and ((preferred to be alone anyway)) because ((That was)) his ((skill.)) says that he's become accustomed to being the forgotten one, the one who nobody notices and can't see. That he considers it a skill is kind of sad and hints to me that Kuroku has had to cultivate this skill for reasons that are probably known to more fandom savvy people heh

This: ((If nobody payed attention to him in real life...then why did he expect a car to stop for him when he was crossing the road?)) is just freaking sad as hell. That he didn't think that a car should stop for him because the world didn't notice him. It's almost depressed in tone, because of how hopeless and helpless he feels, but I think it's just a case that he honestly believes that nobody sees him so why should the driver of a car?

I loved the entire second half and how everybody gathered around his grave to remember him. The best part though was when Midorima essentially said: ((He was unforgettable.)) and Kuroku realized that he was. He finally sees, too late perhaps, that he was never the shadow that he thought he was, that the people who most mattered to him were the ones who always saw him and weren't about to forget him, no matter where all life takes them.

In all, this was a bittersweet and lovely piece! Fantabulous job my lovely!
ande chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
omg this was really good and really sad. :

thank you for posting it up! _
ficgyn chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
x3 It's great! I wish there would be another one, a sequel maybe.. xD lol :D Thanks you for making this fanfic! I needed it since the manga is over... ; n ;
Hazard chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
This...This... it amazing!

Please, do a sequel for this! Like Kuroko being reincarnated or something.
Midorima Kazunari chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Well, welcome to the craziness that is the KnB fandom and thanks for the shout out in your author’s notes.

“That was skill.” This is a great throw back to the manga (have you read that yet?) and his time in Teiko when he purposefully developed the skill of misdirection.

“…slightly disappointed when watching it all.” Lol, this is so in character! I was rewatching episodes to comfort myself now that the manga has ended this past Monday, and I was watching an episode where Kuroko says he’s mad, but there is zero expression on his face. This sentence reminded me of that moment.

“Nobody noticed him.” Ugh, killing the feels Kat, darling, killing my feels.

“…wilted lilies and roses…” That so awesome. I can see Kagami strangling the freshness out of the flowers.

“…even Takao-san.” Thank you!

“Midorimichi.” I’m so glad you used the proper nicknames. That made me very happy.

“Kuroko was rather unforgettable.” Not only was this a great line, it was a great pick of the person to say it. *grins*

“Why did it feel like he was dying all over again?” Ugh, that’s the last bit of feels you can break today, darling.

What an excellent job! Keep up the good work!
Elle chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Kuroko..sobs..sobs..I wont ever forget you. You made me cry author-san. Good job! This fic is great :) Hope to see your new KnB fics.
Kushina-korra95 chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
*sobbing deadly* Y U WOULD WRITE THIS?! (Actually I love feels too XD) OMFG THIS IS JUST TOO SAD! I really can control my feels right now! &%$%#$#! *LEAF ME ALONE*