Reviews for Be Careful What You Think, Effie
Starlene Ashes chapter 11 . 12/7/2019
Best Hayffie story ever! And I love the open ending. I wish I could have seen what Effie would do if she found that Haymitch has been hearing her thoughts for 5 years. The characters are portrayed well and I love this story!
sophy2431 chapter 3 . 4/9/2019
I'm loving this story! You are such a GREAT writer!
pistonsfan75 chapter 11 . 5/16/2016
Loved it!
Loufoca chapter 11 . 10/22/2015
I really enjoyed this story. Of course I would have loved to have more, to know what happens next but I like that I can actually imagine it myself. Well done and thank you for this story!
Loufoca chapter 4 . 10/19/2015
I really like this story so far! You'll probably get another review from me later :)
marizpe chapter 11 . 9/10/2015
Well I would expected that Haymitch take advantage of Effie because he knew her thoughts and that she like him, but he behave.
Im glad that you made that one shot that I read on Ballad... into an 11 chapter story, I was curious of what could happened to them.
chrisi2503 chapter 11 . 3/6/2015
I'm sorry that I didn't leave a review for every chapter but I spent the last hours with reading the whole story and I was so hooked that I had to jump to the next chapter immediately. The idea of this story was so amazing, your writing rocks and I loved everything about it. I think it was great that you wrote so much about the Rebellion here and that it got angsty. But I also loved the funny moments and Radio Trinket broadcasting 24/7 made me laugh so much. Effie's thoughts here were so realistic, so were Haymitch's reactions. I have to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of open endings because I always want it to be Hayffie living happily ever after but that's what I'm going to imagine now. Thank you so much for writing this story, it was a fantastic journey.
IanLevitt chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Adorable omg
This is why you're my favorite Hayffie writer
Whenever I find a fic I like, I go to see who wrote it and 9/10 it's you
Lottielue1 chapter 11 . 12/9/2014
Unique and brilliant, I'm glad Haymitch left the memories in his head. It's something I think he needs. Great story!
hervissa chapter 11 . 11/29/2014
I have to give it to you, you ended this in maybe the best way possible.
Yes, I would've been happier if they finally got their happily ever after, but...this is Hayffie we're talking about. And with the way their relationship's been going, it's gonna take some time till they realize there's no point in trying to resist the temptation.

So I'll take the liberty of creating a headcannon to this and say THEY GOT TOGETHER NOT TOO LONG AFTERWARDS.
Just because I can ;) :D

It's been a great pleasure reading this, dearie - and it made my evening much better :)

Thank you for that :3

And definitely keep writing - I'll check out your other stories when I put some free time together ;)

Have a great week!

hervisssa :)
hervissa chapter 10 . 11/29/2014
Finally, finally, finally.

You crazy kids, it's taken you long enough to find a way to each other.

...on second thought, let's rather survive.


hervissa :)
hervissa chapter 9 . 11/29/2014
Oh, my darlings. My wonderful, wonderful darlings.
Glad I was wrong.

And the clothes...yes, the clothes. Effie trying to have something familiar and nice and harmless is both smile-creating and heartbreaking.

Only two more chapters to gooo... :D

hervissa :)
hervissa chapter 8 . 11/29/2014
Damn, I regret not copying my sister and reading the whole Hunger Games this year. Even though she did it mainly because The Mockingjay Part I was coming. [And obviously it was awesome.] I only know some stuff about Haymitch's past AND IT BUGS ME.
But, sadly, school takes up most of my time. I WANT TO READ THG WHY WON'T LIFE LET ME

Rant over.

This chapter gave me feels.

And dammit Effie hold on.

hervissa :)
hervissa chapter 7 . 11/29/2014
Now that was just evil.


don't you dare try and stop it
wait with that till Effie's safe and sound


The tension's running up, feelings are all around and I can sense a grand finale coming up.


hervissa :)
hervissa chapter 6 . 11/29/2014
Dark, angsty Hayffie works - as long as there's fluff and cuteness and amazingness later.
Deal? ;) :D

And sweet Cthulhu, I just want my bbies to be okay.


Brilliant chapter though :)

hervissa :)
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