Reviews for Once in a Blind Eye
kittyface27 chapter 15 . 4/23
I never post a story unless it's already finished. To avoid stress, if/when you ever write fics again, it's so much less stressful to have the whole thing done already so you can post at the pace you please without having to hurry before the next chapter is posted. I really love the story and it would be nice to have it continued, but at this point I'm assuming it won't be finished since this is 4 years late. But it is less stressful to be finished. Just a tip :)
GodzNo chapter 15 . 12/14/2019
loved this story. you have done an amazing job at writing it
Blair chapter 15 . 10/15/2019
I just wanted to say how good this is! Take your time though, your health much more important. Please take care of yourself, I’ll wait patiently for as long as I have too, cause this fic is definitely worth it. ️
sirilana chapter 15 . 5/18/2019
this is a wonderful story. i only found it a week or so ago, and have binge-read it to the end now. i hope the muse is not permanently lost (for all your loyal reader's sake as well as my own) BUT i know the frustration of having a story you just CAN'T write... it is one of the main reasons i have never uploaded a story. even though i have a dozen stories i am trying to write... i long ago realized that if i COULDN'T write even for myself there was no way i could handle having other people waiting for updates and promised myself that i would never try to make one of my stories public unless i had finished it for myself first. the best thing for a lost muse (in my experience) seems to be to stop trying... instead go read something you didn't write, then write something that has nothing to do with the lost muse, then come back and read the story you lost the muse for as if it were not your own and see if it sparks a "if it were me" inspiration, usually (again... in my experience) a lost muse is actually a matter of developing tastes in the writer saying the outline you were following is no longer what feels right and you just need to see if a new one will come from reading the story as an outsider...

of course, you might already have known all of that... or you might be completely different. the point i'm trying to make is that you shouldn't write if it isn't as much (or more) for yourself as for your readers... your own happiness (with the story and in life) is more important.

i hope you find what you need to make writing fun again. EVEN IF IT MEANS PUTTING UP FOR ADOPTION OR DISCONTINUING THIS STORY!
Silver303 chapter 15 . 5/8/2019
Ne this such a great story. That kinda sucks that people being demanding kinda ruined the story .I actually have a lot of trouble continuing once I ideas for around in my head and then I'm five chapters ahead of the whole story and I don't quite know how to pick up where I left off when I actually start writing again.
VampireKitty34 chapter 11 . 3/17/2019
Well Marco spilled it all!
I have feeling that yes, Ace will be very upset and anger!
But what do you expect! When your anger or pissed off, you yell out stuff that you don't yell about

Ace want be happy, but he'll understand why he did it...
Well that's what I would like to happen!(:
VampireKitty34 chapter 10 . 3/17/2019
It say attempted rape...does that mean, he wasnt?
Kippysaurus chapter 12 . 2/2/2019
That was... disturbingly fun to read...
Yoko013 chapter 15 . 7/30/2018
Hm, I can honestly say that upon coming back to this after a while, I’ve remembered why I dread reading it. I like the story and the concept of being able to use you’re flames to “see”, but because Ace blew up at Whitebeard and how he seems to be questioning his feelings for Marco, I’m afraid he won’t love him anymore. I do kinda wanna say please let them have a happy ending together, but it’s your story. If nothing else, I can just make them happy in my imagination. Good luck to you though! And kudos for being creative enough to write a story at all. Wish I could.
UntiedHeartbeat chapter 2 . 3/31/2018
Omg, how cute xD Ace just randomly falls asleep!
Faezier chapter 15 . 2/24/2018
Loved the story!
demonkatsa chapter 15 . 2/24/2018
I love your writing style and I wish you the best of luck with your degree.
Julietterose4901 chapter 15 . 1/25/2018
No! Poor ace!
twilightromance4ever chapter 15 . 11/22/2017
This is an amazing story and I love it. While i hope you get your muse back, i much rather you be happy and healthy :) you're an amazing writer. Good job :)
TheNobody.Witch chapter 15 . 10/10/2017
If I say please update now since this story is pretty much dead and done, would it count?
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