Reviews for Smooth as a Cat
Syciara-Lynx chapter 1 . 9/19/2006
ZOMG *GLOMP* that was so beautiful! I love it! And You! Great job!
shykosuka chapter 1 . 4/27/2004
That was great.
Maybe you should make a sequel?
that would be great.
Kursed SeeD chapter 1 . 11/1/2003

Squall x Seifer forever!
Gunbladequeen217 chapter 1 . 2/16/2003
hey...nice little thing going here. maybe you could make a sequal, or something.

but i liked the way they knew what each other was thinking, and where they were going and doing. not too obvious, but noticable...v well done. keep em coming.
Koroshite chapter 1 . 12/4/2002
*sobs* Beautiful! I loved it! Absolutly loved it! I'm gonna read all your FF8 stories, then, if I know the genres, I'll read the rest, ok? That sounds good to me! Oh, and the DBZ fic has FF8 people in it, and Inu-yasha and Ranma 1/2 people too, it's a cross-over, so you know!
Ookami Tenshi chapter 1 . 11/20/2002
This fic is just awesome! I love it. It's beautifully written. Squall and Seifer grinding in the gay club was hot. And the ending was so romantic. _
Amazing Chen chapter 1 . 11/20/2002
Good. I love this.
Moroboshi chapter 1 . 11/16/2002
This was great!

Only minor grammar errors! (sorry, I comment on grammar in every review I submit)

Very good use of imagery _

The club scene was especially nice.

I give it a 9/10!

Keep up the good work!

One word of advice:

Elaborate, elaborate, elaborate!
scribblemoose chapter 1 . 11/16/2002
Very slinky. Loved it. Even the piercings seemed appropriate and normally I hate them. Thank you _
Agar chapter 1 . 11/15/2002
Chocolate fetish...I have one of those chocolate oranges, except it's key lime flavored...From Key Largo!
VenomousTurntables chapter 1 . 11/15/2002
Awesome story, I really enjoyed. Nice club scene. Sexy...
Lady Yuskreven chapter 1 . 11/15/2002
That was ssooooo cute... no other words... well maybe "beautiful" or "handsome", but Squall make me think of a little kitten, (or a moomba, if he was a little hyper), and kitten are soooo cute.

*two thums up!*

~Lady Y~