Reviews for Sins of the Father
BookFan96 chapter 11 . 2/20/2018
I really wish that you had written even a one-shot sequel for this. Does Miles kill Connor? Will Mila and Willie get their own JLPs? Will anyone else figure out that Connor is still a batshit crazy psycho?
KelseyNicole08 chapter 11 . 7/20/2017
I neeeed you to continue this! Love it!
banneg chapter 11 . 1/27/2015
So the fun of my snow day was reading and writing and to be fair it worked out really well that both 10 and 11 were up! I immediately agreed with Charlie thinking that he was faking, but a part of me wanted, for Bass' sake, for Connor to be better. I LOVED this ending. It was so believable that Connor would become attached to his little brother and the idea of him killing to get a capsule for both of his siblings is definitely aligned with the character you created! Having said all of that my favorite part was Miles being Miles in the end - he just has so much appeal! - thanks for a fun read - B
wildirish chapter 11 . 1/27/2015
I KNEW he was faking it! But um, Lemon, this seemed slightly incomplete...what with the abrupt, I didn't get see Miles kick Connor's butt ending. And I can always use more Charloe. Always. Other than that, it was a nice wrap up to the story. :)
driver picks the music chapter 11 . 1/27/2015
So I just reviewed on our charloes angels
Charloes Angels chapter 11 . 1/27/2015
I loved this ending! I was kind of hoping he was still crazy lol
IceonFire7 chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
OK, well...that was awesome. And since we talked about this, I'm just going to say I sort of thought there was something fishy about the whole Connor thing. He was nuts from the beginning. ;)

And it was a really fantastic story. I didn't really expect the immortality, but it was a neat twist. Excellent story.
maplyfe chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
Ugh Connor definitely gives me the heebie-jeebies in this story... but I love your last line! Is there an epilogue to your epilogue perhaps? I didn't get a chance to comment on your chapter before the epilogue, but I have to say I was super surprised you let Rachel live (knowing your fics haha!) I kinda wish you had just let her die, well, because let's face it-I hate Rachel with the fire of a thousand suns... but she was definitely more tolerable in this story. Can't wait for your next fic! I can't get enough of your writing :)
ThreeMagpies chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
Oh...! a twist and a half...and an epilogue that so fitted the story...! Connor the true psychopath... My blood was running cold thinking of he and Willie being in the same space... And of the possibility of an immortal evil Connor! poor Bass - and poor Grace! Am so glad that Miles figured it out and is going to take care of things... Hope he remembers to take the LJP out of Connor...and glad too that Bass won't know - secret worth keeping I think...

Well, that was just a brilliant story, and another Lemon Supreme delight..thank you so much for a great read! :D Magpie
Loveforthestory chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
I would like to cancel my last review, haha! I just read the epilogue! So far for Connors good heart, haha! I did not see this coming! I thought...ah so cute with his little brother. Loved how you named his son after his father...sweet! aaaaaaand then...suprise!

Great story lemon, this must have cost you a lot of time!
Love from Love :)
Loveforthestory chapter 10 . 1/26/2015
I really liked this chapter, like I did the whole story!
A couple of things I loved, maybe you know by now about my soft spot for Connor :) is that you found a way for him, and for Bass, to build a relationship. As much second chances as you wonderfully written! Love it, that Connor is still afraid of Rachel.
The whole chapter was so full of a lot of things, it is hard to tell you everything I loved. But I did! :)
Love from Love
ShyRomantic chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
Bad Conner! Why you gotta be like that Bennett! Good ending, can't wait to read more stories from you :)
Isabella Poulous chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
Thats the end?! What happens next!? A post epilogue epilogue?
RyansDreamMaker chapter 11 . 1/26/2015
I loved this story! From beginning to end it kept my attention, even with all the nano stuff that the show failed to make sense of. :-) Thank you for writing!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/26/2015
I really liked the twists in this ones, I'm excited for the surprises in the epilogue!
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