Reviews for Blindsided
VintageLove69 chapter 25 . 12/7/2017
I really enjoy the way this is written. I love the banter and dialogue between the characters. You have a really great way of portraying them as they are in the show! Looking forward to an update! I absolutely adore this!
PurpleCloverBug chapter 25 . 12/3/2017
I LOVE this story. I want more. Also, I am curious about who the UNSUB is. Does it have to do with her past, like her mother or her siblings fathers?
PurpleCloverBug chapter 11 . 12/2/2017
Two words: IN LOVE!
PurpleCloverBug chapter 1 . 12/2/2017
Only read the first chapter and it is already tugging at my heart
CupCakes24 chapter 25 . 6/23/2017
Omg! Your story is so cute! I love it! I wish you would continue on with your story! I need to read more Spencer/Avery fluff! By the way I think the kids are so cute and I love reading the chapters with Spencer and the kids! Please update again! I would really like to see were your headed with this story!
MiaR chapter 24 . 9/4/2016
So happy to see a new chapter for this story. I love how you continue to showcase the Avery's relationship with the BAU members. Excited to see where this story will go, especially with the relationship between Avery and Spencer.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/31/2016
Sue1313 chapter 23 . 5/25/2016
This was so good. I am so happy that you are back writing on this.
Sue1313 chapter 22 . 5/24/2016
So happy you are back and picked it up without missing a beat. I just love her and Spencer together and Hotch coming to terms with him in bed with her. Poor boy.
patheticpisces chapter 21 . 12/10/2015
I'm so glad that I found this fic! You're doing an amazing job of things and I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting to see where you take this! I love Avery's character and I love this kids. I also think that they're bringing out some many new and wonderful aspects of our favorite genius and our BAU family. Avery's relationships with the team are believable and heartfelt and I'm genuinely nervous to see what happens with this UNSUB! Anyway! I'll stop rambling and let you get back to things, but I hope you update soon!
allie713 chapter 21 . 11/27/2015
I just started this story last night and I need more! This story is great and I'm really hoping that you plan on continuing with it.
pumpkinpuzzler chapter 21 . 10/18/2015
This is without a doubt my favorite criminal minds story! I absolutely love Avery and I love how cute her and Spencer are together! I really really really hope you update soon, I'm anxious to see what happens next with the couple and what's going to happen with the stalker.
ChasingWolves chapter 21 . 7/15/2015
Loved this chapter! (Sorry it took me so long to finish, haven't had much computer time recently.) I don't think she overreacted, hell I would have held a crush for over twenty four hours...loved the fluff :) hoping to see more of it in the next chapter ;) haha just thought about Garcia walking in on them asleep and taking a picture of them.
ripon chapter 21 . 7/7/2015
loving this although I could shake all of them at times! lol Looking forward to more soon (?) Thanks for the fun.
ChasingWolves chapter 9 . 6/28/2015
Alas I can't read chapter ten tonight :( but chapter nine was adorable and I absolutely loved it! Hopefully I'll have time to read more tomorrow, I've very excited to see how their 'baking mission' goes. Keep up the great work
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