Reviews for Reading Fairy Tales
fairy tale lover chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
AvidReader2236 chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
I love Beauty and the Beast! Are you excited for the new film?
Relephant chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
Okay, this was so funny and sweet and amazing. Except I think Lily would have lost her voice from reading that much aloud. ;) That's irrelevant; keep writing cool stuff!
Roundy1993 chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Hello again. I just wondered whether you've received my private messages or not... I want to ask if I could translate your others fanfictions as well, like Reading Fairy Tales, The Kissing Disease, Intentions and Positive? Thanks a lot and as usual, I'll credit you as the author.
KamiKaze Knight chapter 1 . 6/13/2016
I was smiling all the while! Awesome :)
Queen Bookworm the First chapter 1 . 5/20/2016
Safari chapter 1 . 12/16/2015
It's been a year and a couple months but I'm still as in love with this piece as I was during the first read-through. All my favourite fairytales plus sassy Sirius and that line about sea foam... xoxo
CastielPotter13 chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
That was amazing!
realismandromance chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Short (well, short-ish) and sweet, but poignant. I like it. Writing HP stories that draw parallels to fairytales and other stories seems to be a thing of yours (not that I'm complaining). I do like how you deftly illustrate the characters' different personalities through a lot of dialogue and few dialogue tags - the epitome of showing, not telling. The banter between Lily, James and Sirius is light and plausible enough for me.

Sirius makes rather sweeping judgements, and he misses the point hilariously when he says fairytales are 'all about love'. Before Cinderella found her prince, she simply wanted a night off and a nicer life (to mention one). And The Princess Bride is of course a parody of traditional fairytale tropes.

"He's in love with me." That made me snort out loud.
Sociially-Diisoriiented chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
I knew I’d like this fic even before I started it. No, not because you’re the author (although…haha), but because I’m a total sucker for metafiction. Anyway, a title doesn’t alone make a story great.

You had me grinning by the end of the first paragraph and chuckling by the end of the second section. I actually had some tears in my eyes by the end of the dialogue scene between Lily, Sirius, and James.

Wow! Can you ever write believable dialogue! You didn’t even need the few dialogue tags you had. I could just tell from their voice who was saying what, and the subject of their discussion? Only boys would make a big deal out of reading such stories, lol!
Best retort ever: “Sounds absolutely /thrilling/,” James said.
“It is, compared to /sea foam/.”

I love how you wove in little canon comments (Cinderella’s evil step sisters reminding Sirius of his own sisters) and how in-character they all are (Sirius claiming the stories are crap, not because they’re Muggle, but because they’re about love, lol; James revealing his ‘vulnerable’ side to Lily and Lily letting him put his head on her lap…is this the beginning of what will develop into their relationship?)

If I had to be nit-picky, I’d just have two SPaG comments make. The first is the use of the wrong punctuation mark (“Why not the handsome bloke in the village[?]”) and the second is that you actually use hyphens for dashes, but there is actually a punctuation mark that’s called the em dash (—) which you should be using instead.

In the end, though, this isn’t so much a review as it is me gushing all over your writing. You have a real knack for creating moods :)
2316233 chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
That was absolutely brilliant, adorable, funny and addictive!
I love the 'He's in love with me.' bit, I laughed so hard there that my brother started looking at me like I'm more insane than usually (he's right, by the way). I love your style and the way you write, it's brilliant that you brought in muggle fairy tales and that you thought out which ones James and Sirius would like the most. I couldn't find any mistakes, but I'm not in my proofread mode, so that's not surprising. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't find anything, even if I was.
Thank you for drawing my attention to this fic, you've made my evenin a lot better!
luvsanime02 chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
Okay, first off, excellent summary. It made me excited to read the story :D

The easy interactions between Sirius and Lily are hilarious, and very much in character! I love that Lily brings Muggle fairy tale books to Hogwarts with her, and that Sirius gets so into them too, lol.

Sirius getting disgusted with the books because they only show love, and not action or adventure, is really funny. And it’s just so him. I love how patient Lily is with him too, trying to point out things he would like about the stories.

And then you added James, and this fic became even better XD

Really, I just love all three of them in this fic. You write them funny but sincere, and very witty.

And hey, James isn’t the only one who cried while reading the end of The Little Mermaid! X3

The story ending with Lily reading them Peter Pan was good, but what was especially brilliant was the way you brought the fairy tale theme out of just the books and into the characters’ lives. That was well done.

Loved this!
Rayniekinnz chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Amusing - Sirius and fairytales just doesn't go, but when you think about it...they really do. Nice dialogue and flow; the story was easy to get into. James teases him, but he's all about those princesses too.

Nice piece!
ShoefoneWeasley chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
That last line though... -clutches heart in ultimate feels-
XD chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Nice ;]
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