Reviews for Get behind the universe
DoctorWhoFanficReview chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
"..huge, sickly green, reeking and amorphous"
Love the description of the monster plus I learnt a new word today!
"The taste is unbearable, the texture that of matted, clotted hair."
Fabulous description of what the thing actually does to her. I'm feeling like this thing is very dangerous, not just some kind of harmless cartoon-y alien.
".. she feels his hand on her upper arm. Not reassuring her. Not comforting her. Moving her." This is a great distinction to spell out with Twelve. He's practical, efficient and gets the job done. No hugs, just whoosh.. across the floor.
This fic was written in the very early days of Twelve but you got a lot right about him which I think is very insightful on your part given the few episodes that had aired at this point. The finger jab. The rage. The short sentences!
Please consider writing more for Twelve.
Random Ruth chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Oooh I like. Great description of this Doctor's anger too. Love it! :)
DragonChaos chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
So...tentacle rape? Haha

Seriously, though, thought this was poignant and well-written. Good work!
margie-me chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
This was so intense and on point. I haven't read any 12 fics actually, because I've waited to get acclimated to Capaldi's version (incarnation, whatever you like), so I've focussed on previous Doctors instead. This Doctor's plenty dark, and you pegged him. Ya done good! Also, so hoping he's in for more than just one season or two.
Andie chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
This is absolute perfection. Please write more 12 as you capture him marvelously!
girlgeekjf chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
Yeah, I could see protective 12 being absolutely terrifying.
sapienlover chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
That was stupendously good - perfect in every way. You've caught Twelve to a 'T' (and Clara too!) and this is one of the best stories about these two that I have read. Thank you.