Reviews for The Fortune Teller
KelseyNicole08 chapter 8 . 7/21/2017
This was so beautiful3 I love babies!
AshleyStewart09 chapter 8 . 1/3/2016
This was awesome
IceonFire7 chapter 8 . 1/25/2015
So finally reviewing the final chapter. Great installment to end this fabulous story. And was I seriously the only one who guessed about Duncan? Really, it was nice to see the happy ending of Charlie and Bass, and little baby Vegas too ;)
bruz chapter 8 . 12/18/2014
laughed a lot in the first chapters and so much emotion in the end, congratulations for this story
bruz chapter 7 . 12/18/2014
completely surprised by the situation connor, love
ToTheSkyAndBack chapter 7 . 12/3/2014
Nice twist having Connor be the fortune tellers boyfriend and not Frank Jr.!
JM2788 chapter 8 . 12/1/2014
Fabulous ending! I didn't figure it out that Duncan was Lady Veronica until about a paragraph before you revealed it! I love that you brought her back! I felt bad for Bass during the show when he found out abou Duncan's death. You could tell that she'd meant a great deal to him. Anyways, Connor's new look was a riot! I liked that backstory of what really happened to Duncan and how Connor and Duncan got together! Bass' happiness and intense emotions of having his son back was wonderful! I really liked that Charlie saw what Duncan had done for her and Bass(eventually lol), and that they got along so well! I always thought that they'd make good friends(so long as it didn't interfere with Chaloe! Lol ;) ). Bass' proposal and Charlie's confusion and then understanding and response was so sweet! I liked that this one had Rachel happy, being a doting Grandma, and truly happy for her daughter! As much as I don't really like Rachel, it's nice to have some fics where she's in a good state and has made amends and has her family. I really like that they everyone is happy and enjoying their lives and have a good and happy future ahead of them! Excellent story! :)
JM2788 chapter 7 . 12/1/2014
Okay so first off, I have to tell you that the twist at the end was spectacular, because I thought it was Junior that was with Lady Veronica, not Connor!(unless of course I completely missed something that hinted at Connor. Lol) I loved chapter 7! The reading that Lady Veronica gave to Charlie and Bass were great, needed, and I'm so glad that it lanced their soul wounds and allowed them both give into their true feelings and fully give themselves to each other! Their lovemaking, that was so hot, intense, sensual, and perfect for them! I love that she wanted all of him and that she's probably already pregnant and that Bass is happy about that possibility! I love Charloe and company happily ever afters! I'm such a sap! Lol ;) I really like the last bit with the Connor reveal! I like that he found someone he's happy with and that they are making future plans with each other!
wildirish chapter 8 . 11/30/2014
Aww, I loved this story Lemon! Such a radical departure from "Sins" (which is very good just much darker) and I loved watching Charlie and Bass go on this journey together.

I suspected that Veronica was really Duncan, but I wasn't absolutely convinced, but I knew absolutely she was talking to Connor. Once her readings of Bass and Charlie were given, I really really believed it was Duncan. So yay to me!

Oh and the lemony goodness of the previous chapter-brava. It was hot but also intimate at the same time.

I did notice a general lack of Rachel reaction to the news of Bass and Charlie being together. Which I'm okay with b/c it meant I didn't have to read my dialogue from her. So double thanks.

Anyway, great job as always. I enjoyed the story-it was fun and sweet.

PS: FYI: I was reading along, minding my own business while sipping on my morning protein shake breakfast, and the next I'm dying. Literally. The shake went down the wrong tube when I laughed at "Connor and his lip luggage." Hysterical, so thanks for the morning laugh. ;)
Guest chapter 8 . 11/30/2014
Loved this story. Keep writing.
driver picks the music chapter 8 . 11/30/2014
For some reason Duncan never even entered my mind lol for about a second I thought maybe she was really Foster, but then I dismissed that idea and had no other idea who she might

Great chapter, I love the name!
Loveforthestory chapter 8 . 11/30/2014
Duncan, yes! I have been thining about this one over and over, and there was one person left and she is there! Loved it! Such a sweet chapter and I so agree with you... that scene in that episode where Scanlon tells Bass Duncan is dead, watch his face, listen to his voice breaking,it is heartbreaking! Him sitting on those steps..I am really glad with this ending, and this story was good, lovely, smart and very hot too of course! I love Tiny! I think he is amazing! And Miles his reaction, to the name Vegas. 'Where she got knocked up' haha, love Miles!
Great story Lemon, thank you!
Love from Love
ThreeMagpies chapter 8 . 11/29/2014
...sigh... A perfect ending to a wonderful story, I loved every word, thanks Lemon and congratulations! :D Magpie
ShyRomantic chapter 8 . 11/29/2014
The perfect end to this story. :) sad it's over but always looking forward to what ever you your decide to write :)
Wolf9lucky chapter 8 . 11/29/2014
Saw! Great ending!
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