Reviews for Feathers In the Night
Guest chapter 21 . 4/17
awww i wanted her mom to hate her freak daughter and nightwing comforting her and them doing some early Devil;s Tango hehehehehehe spicy
Guest chapter 6 . 4/17
this is fucking guuuuuuuuuahhhh! how did she get her wings! does it have to do with her hate for needles?! is her dad evil?!
Anemone chapter 50 . 11/11/2019
Yaaaay! Thank you! Finally! :D :D :D
Guest chapter 46 . 11/11/2019
I really like Black Canary! Thank you for including her here - and for once again not dwelling on unnecessary dramatic misunderstandings but choose to clarify reasons instead. Thanks!
Guest chapter 41 . 11/11/2019
Aww I wish she would tell somebody about her Blue Beetle suspicions! It's always been bugging me in the series that nobody even seemed to notice he was talking to the Scarabeus all the time. At least she's observant!
Thanks so much for writing all this, you are amazing :D Sorry for just leaving so few little notes as I keep reading. Just pretend please that all my reviews start with a big thank you ;)
Guest chapter 40 . 11/11/2019
You are really good, you know? At writing teenage drama but breaking the cliches. I loved how they just walked out of prom without a big dramatic show-off with that creepy date of hers - Nightwing just told her that guy was trouble, and they just left. Beautiful! Same thing with getting ready for the foundraiser with the hair dresser - nope, not having the expected drama. And now, the end of a crazy night, she's still wearing the fancy dress, she runs after him - and nope, that's not the moment to kiss him.

I'm very much looking forward to that moment occurring after all though ;)
Anemone chapter 26 . 11/10/2019
I suppose all your readers have watched the full second season. Still, I think it's nice of you to mention she's not really dead in the notes.
I'd say it was an exciting mission all in all. And she really did a good job taking care of these missiles. Well written!
Anemone chapter 21 . 11/10/2019
Morgan would totally be Griffindor.
I'm glad the family reunion went this well!
Guest chapter 17 . 11/10/2019
Alfred has to tie the bow because neither Dick NOR BRUCE is able to do it on his own? I LOVE THAT! :D :D
Anemone chapter 15 . 11/10/2019
"His head hit the ground with a resounding crack"
- dude, that's how you get somebody killed.
Seriously. I know that never happens in cartoon series, but you're trying to be a bit more realistic here (recognizing Nightwing without his mask and all that).. I was already pretty shocked when you insisted Morgan had to beat that jewel thief senseless on her first outing - why on earth don't they just intimidate them and tie them up, or have some way of subduing ordinary humans that's not as very very lethal as a strong blow to the head?
Anemone chapter 8 . 11/10/2019
"Is this the part where I deliver a clever one-liner too?"
Anemone chapter 2 . 11/10/2019
I'm still reading, so you'll get more reviews at the end. Just a short note:
"appearing agressively average"
I don't know why, but I really like that phrase!
Thank you for writing and sharing this story! I know from own experience that writing OCs is not easy. Yours is interesting, I'll keep reading on!
the outsider19 chapter 56 . 9/26/2019
I love Dick Grayson and out of all the fan fiction I've read so far, your story is my absolute favourite. Morgan is an amazing character, she fits into the DC world so well and I really loved reading about these two and their journey together thus far. I'm so glad there's a sequel!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/13/2019
On chapter 4 and already loving how Morgan character is developed, lol and that bitch comment I see you
Guest chapter 2 . 2/13/2019
Oh I see we have a fellow pjo fan here kinda explains why Morgan's appearance description reminded me a lot of annabeth
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