Reviews for Mended Hearts
StarryFeathers chapter 3 . 5/26/2015
Raph's reaction was perfect! This is sad, I'm curious to see where it goes.
StarryFeathers chapter 2 . 5/26/2015
Daww and poor Leo.
StarryFeathers chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
Oooh interesting start.
NextNewAge chapter 1 . 4/12/2015
106 centimeters.
Faylinn Night chapter 3 . 1/11/2015
Alright. Firstly, I gotta say how SAD it is that Leo's dead. I know we see him in flashbacks, but, my gosh, the FEELS! The poor, poor clan. And Raph. Seeing it through his eyes is just-then the kid and-gah! -clenches chest-

That aside, I understand it's the main element that rouses the true conflict in this fanfiction, which is an intriguing route to take. The reveal is well-paced, the opening is captive, and, personally, I like Amy's amputee handicap. It gives her a real sense of history in the Marines, as well as an empathetic understanding of being seen as 'different' in the eyes of society. Say what they will, people view handicap differently than 'normal' folks-even if they don't want to. It's our nature. So, again, a plus for that.

Now, slight grammatical issues aside (I know you don't have a BETA), I, as a reader, feel you tell too much. By this, I mean you SAY how things are as opposed to SHOWING us. Not only does it rush the tone, but it also prevents the emotional depth you can achieve.

Take Amy's introduction for example. Right off the bat, you give a full description that runs on, making it a mouth full. It's not vital for the readers to know everything right away. In fact, it would've been more natural for Leo to take note of one or two features that stood out the most when they met. This could've been the wheelchair/handicapp and maybe a sense of defeated power about Amy, like a soldier defeated. Then, through dialogue/over the course of their talk, you could've added her other features. Food for thought for future writing. :)

Lastly, characterization. I won't say you're OOC because you're true to the Hamatos. You have good plot devices and it's interesting to see the current and past versions of the cast. However, the meeting with Leo and Amy seemed...unrealistic.

Don't get me wrong, it a good meeting that shows they could do one another good. But Leo gave away far too much information. Even if he weren't a mutant, I don't see him telling a stranger he has Leukemia-let alone give her his phone number as if it were no big deal. Those are deep, personal things; meant to be protected and handled carefully in Leo's case. If he was that interested in talking to her more (which, of course, is no doubt :D) then I can see him making an offer to meet on the same rooftop again at a particular time. And building up trust from there. Otherwise, he sticks to shadows, nameless. Like a ninja. He was well-written, though. Naturally, stressed. Poor baby.

As for Amy. She took Leo's presence in stride way too quickly. Yeah, intrigue is one thing; but there WOULD be a natural fear-no matter what-since the guys ARE a shock. A willingness to work through the shock, though, would've been a sign of genuine strength. Perhaps Amy making a note of how he isn't the most gruesome thing she's seen could've taken place and led into her reminiscing on war. I was shocked how quickly Leo (inadvertently) changed her mind on suicide with two simple sentences...

Those are just my thoughts on the meeting and by no means does it mean it's bad, okay? The joy of fanfiction is you can write it how you want. :)

As I leave this review, I'll say how heartbreaking it is to watch Raph (especially at the end of chapter 3 MY GOSH). And I look forward to seeing the direction it'll take. I'm sure by the end, Raph and Amy will come to a full understanding. I hope. :D
liz chapter 3 . 12/23/2014
Awesome! Really reminds u how much they actually love each other-

SuperHERO382 chapter 3 . 12/7/2014
so sad idk what to think honestly lol
Nutmeg26 chapter 2 . 10/25/2014
Oh, this is shaping up to be really bittersweet. I like it. :)
Ionna Itzson chapter 2 . 10/25/2014
This story is awesome! & yes, I do hav always wanted the turtles to get married. & hav kids! Thank u 4 dat. Now I won't be the only person to write & publish a fanfic soon about them having kids & getting married.
dondena chapter 2 . 10/25/2014
At least they made each other feel better despite their conditions.
dondena chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
Sucks that Leo's child would grow up now without knowing his/her dad.
Nutmeg26 chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
Seems cute. I've always liked the idea of the turtles getting married.
Keep going! :D
vicky86 chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
iam crying as I read it masha'Allah really good
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
Awesome start to this. I really like your OC and can't wait to learn more about her and how she and Leo met. Nicely done on this. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,