Reviews for Stardust
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2019
Fantastic!Really well-written!
Dancer055 chapter 10 . 9/12/2016
I LOVE THIS! I've binge read the whole thing and the story is so captivating! I can't wait until I get to read more about their school adventures!
KamiKaze Knight chapter 7 . 6/13/2016
omg! what was that! Catherine :'(
KamiKaze Knight chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
Haha... I loved that comment of Sirius on Bella at the end :p
KamiKaze Knight chapter 4 . 6/13/2016
When is he going Hogwarts? I am excited.
KamiKaze Knight chapter 3 . 6/13/2016
This chapter was sooooo touchy, I got tears in my eyes :'(
Regulus and Sirius' bonding was Ah-mazing and That's too the scene with his mother :)
KamiKaze Knight chapter 2 . 6/13/2016
Al and Sirius ' bonding is just so perfect _
KamiKaze Knight chapter 1 . 6/13/2016
I am gonna love it. Actually, I am already loving it
Sirius Black _
Dark-Tiger chapter 10 . 3/12/2016
Hey, I hope RL isn't too hard on you :-)
I really enjoyed your story. There are so many Sirius-fanfiction, but only a few do his character justice. I would love to read more Sirius out of your quill.
Even an OS.
Catherine was a great OC btw. The way she defied the 'wind' very clever and resolute.
Your take on of the Black family is great. The subtle hints regarding Walburgas and Orions relationship and how it affected their sons. Sirius' dislike of Kreacher...
The relationship of the Black brothers was beautiful. As well as Andy and Sirius.
Uncle Alphard is quite unique.
One little thing - do you think Orion might go hunting for a hobby? I always wondered if that troll leg thingy in GP could be a hunting trophy.
noda9912 chapter 10 . 7/22/2015
I don't even have words for how deep and emotional that was. I usually don't like stories that start before Hogwarts but that was something else. The way you write and the details are great. I honestly cannot wait for another chapter. Amazing story.
awesomepsyco chapter 10 . 3/25/2015
This fic is so freakin perfect! The arc about Catherine made me so sad, it took all my composure not to freak out on the bus when I read it. You're capturing the characters' personalities perfectly and I can't wait to read more! Keep up the great work!
Fire chapter 10 . 2/16/2015
I love your story! The way you describe what happens in the story really grasps the readers attention! I hope you're able to update soon, I can't wait to read about Hogwarts in the Marauders era! Once again, amazing job with your writing. I am eagerly awaiting the next update.
DarkenedStar chapter 10 . 1/15/2015

I really enjoyed this chapter. I think the character introductions were smooth and flowed really well. My favorite part was the mention of the thestrals. Merlin's tits... I just wanted to weep for Sirius. Damn it, he better kick Bella's arse! But yeah... really fun chapter meeting James and poor Snivellus haha. I can't wait to read more, my darling!
ScarletOwl19 chapter 10 . 1/14/2015
Great so far, i love that you are going canon with this. Looking forward to more!
Pandora Imperatrix chapter 10 . 1/5/2015
Ohhh você está de volta! Algo bom nesse dia em fim! Eu sabia que tinha algo especial sobre o dia 5 de janeiro, mas não conseguia me lembrar o que. Que felicidade ter essa fic de volta em minha vida, ainda mais com um capítulo tão importante quanto este, introdução dos meus meninos, primeira vez do Sirius longe da presença dos Black (pelo menos fisicamente) e, minha coisa preferida, introdução do relacionamento dele com o James. Oh James!
Eu adorei tudo, a naturalidade que você deu ao encontro dos dois, o modo como encaixou os pedacinhos de canon, como você descreveu os sentimentos conflitantes do Sirius, a verdadeira sede por ser aceito pelo menino que o impressionou com modos brincalhões e respostas rapidas. Eu amo, amo, amo esses dois e você, como sempre, não me falhou em nada.
Esperarei avidamente pelo próximo post.
PS: Espero que você tenha tido um festas maravilhosas!
PS: Remus e Sirius vendo os Thestrals partiu meu coração em pedaços pequeninos.
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