Reviews for It Came from Lucina's Head
Subatomic Plays2026 chapter 35 . 6/5/2018
I really wanna know what happens next!
I hope you make a sequel!
JintoSpice11 chapter 7 . 3/16/2017
Uh huh. Sure, that's what they all say, and I can't help but get some filthy thoughts going on (curse my mature mindset). I get the feeling if Krueger was somehow seeing this whole thing, hands would be a rubbing in middle of saying "Good... good" sinisterly. That spindly spider thing sure is a creepy. Death from a dream is horrid way to go, and certainly is hard to believe when explained.
JintoSpice11 chapter 6 . 10/9/2016
In my headcanon, Dr. Mario is a sub-par doctor (if we're deciding to present the 2 characters not separate), dealing any ailment with silly methods until the last resort was presented, the Miraculous MegaVitamins! What use would a Ladybug do, but that wouldn't stop him from going there. It's not that I don't think Dr. Mario is competant, it's just that I doubt Mario has any training in the medical field, predominantly being a plumber. But he is a multitalented hero in his series, so getting a doctorate and/or credentials in the field ought to be a cakewalk. However, it's more hilarious to give him that one flaw in my honest opinion. The Smash Brothers certainly can take hits like a mountain, dealing as much hurt as they can dish out. Countering gods of evil and even god-killers themselves. Sorry, that's my storyline. Entering Robin, the watchful friend of Chrom's daughter in this foreign world of assembled all-stars who happens to be her fathers right-hand man. As a top notch strategist, it would prove crucial for the Bros. to enlist him in figuring out what's the cause of these Kreuger jobs (something I whipped up, teehee).
JintoSpice11 chapter 5 . 8/31/2016
I for one have a great opinion on werewolves. They seem like the kind of creatures on the league of a dragon on terms of slaying, since they are considered evil with the werewolf curse and all. Man does Lucina have some trippy nightmares. Very juicy and painful. The very sort of thing Freddy Kreuger relishes. In other thoughts, in your best opinion, if Nintendo's all-stars went through a Civil War/Batman vs. Superman thing who do you think would lead which side, say like one with some government thing and one against, or anything like that?
JintoSpice11 chapter 4 . 8/17/2016
I noticed this is the first time Robin and Shulk were introduced. And I once again love the interpretation of the Smashers having some personality rather than being blank slates with little to none. My antagonist (if he were interpreted ingame) would definitely point out this to some characters along with being mute in order to spite them.
JintoSpice11 chapter 3 . 8/17/2016
Does that mean she's wearing the Cordelia based skin, with the red hair too? Waddle Dees working at the Mansion? Whatever you want mang. I still like it whether or not. I swear every time I go over this story, it feels like the first time. I can see Ike and Falcon struggling like Mordecai and Rigby from Regular show (primarily from the beginning of the ep "Rigby's Body".)
JintoSpice11 chapter 2 . 8/17/2016
1, 2, Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4, you know what's in store. Anywho, that eerie shadow makes me think of a goblin. On another note, I've seen your Fanfic Breakdown and am wondering (but I know the answer to that), do you only do fics that are complete? If not that's cool. I do plan on getting up as much as possible, which is right where the SSB want to start off.
rangers123 chapter 35 . 6/7/2016
Hot damn! What a story. I haven't been captivated by a story like this in forever. I don't stumble upon too many stores about the new Smashers here so I was intrigued to find a story about Lucina, and it was superb. Although I recognized that it was going to be a whole "save the protagonist from nightmares" story early on, the way you threw in plot twists and developed Lucina, Falcon, and Robin's characters were excellent. Great story!
JintoSpice11 chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! And even though this is an old chapter, I will give my impression on every chapter if that's okay with you, just so you know i'm an avid reader of your stories. It sorta raises an eyebrow how such a 80's horror movie could be far worse than magical warfare and overall the animosity of war overall. I don't mean to disrespect your depiction of Lucina paling white before the original Nightmare on Elm Street, (I’ve recently seen the classic) especially when old fashioned swords, arrows and overall medieval weaponry are involved in close quarters cutting/battering/stabbing combat. But for someone not accustomed to seeing the magic box (aka t.v.) project such images, it must be some mad sorcery not ever experienced.
Caecus Discord chapter 35 . 3/20/2016
If this fits into your timeline, then it can't all be a dream... right...?
Unless Lucina dreamed all of it before Robin's...
... Horror Land NIGHTMARE...
... Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye?
RecklessBaka chapter 35 . 3/6/2016

Honestly sad that Falcon didn't end up with Lucina, but you handled it in a very mature and well paced way.

Best Smash fic I have ever read, bar none. Well done friend.
xxMcYummyxx chapter 35 . 2/24/2016
I'm confused at the ending because I don't understand the whole don't hold your breath sign . But finally finished ! Great story just wish I understood the ending :)
MP36PH3S chapter 35 . 10/22/2015
I'm not one for horror fics, but this is quite a story. Well-written, better than my own writing by far, and you balanced out the character inclusion quite well, something that I am still trying to work on myself. Some of your writing is just downright scary in how vivid it is; I for one now have an image of a version of Lucina with bloodstreaks like FNAF2's Puppet burned into my brain. The language, movement, all of it, makes this one of the best SSB4 fics I've read hands-down.

I always figured there was an insecure side to Lucina that Fire Emblem: Awakening never revealed wholly. This fic extrapolates upon that very nicely, especially since the main reason is that she has to keep to herself, something she insists on doing in Awakening. Proof of one of the classic themes of any story: that even the strongest can't go it alone. You also did a refreshingly large amount of research (if your writing is anything to judge by) into each character you wrote, which is a great thing and gives me a benchmark to go by.

I also liked how you worked Tabuu and the Brawl storyline into this. I was quite disappointed SSB4 did not have a story mode, and I always figured that someone of Tabuu's power isn't just going to die so easily. I also don't know whether to be surprised or disappointed with myself for not expecting Lucina's reaction to Master Core's confession. Hindsight's always 20/20, but for some reason it came off as odd initially that she would sympathize with him. Maybe I've been reading too much of dualbloodlines' "Cold Tea".

Looking forward to reading more of your works.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/16/2015
Damn I need the mobile artilory just in case things get crazy which they already have crap I need my horror Sheild as well
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
I only read the little title slate thing and man I'm already getting a little freaked
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